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County Administrator's Office

Press Releases

December 10, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

SonomaCounty health officials issue freeze warning

The County of Sonoma is issuing a freeze warning in response to the National Weather Service’s prediction for freezing overnight lows expected through Saturday morning at 8 a.m. Read full story

December 09, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County awards $2million for homeless shelters, safe parking programs

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors awarded $2million in funding this week to support five projects that will provide housingand other resources for people experiencing homelessness in Petaluma, SantaRosa, Sonoma, Guerneville and Sebastopol. Read full story

December 09, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County Department of Health Servicesawarded $6 million to scale grassroots COVID-19 response

The Sonoma County Department of Health Services todayannounced that it has received a three-year, $6 million grant from the Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention to increase resources and services forcommunity health workers to better respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and combathealth care inequities. Read full story

December 09, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

SonomaCounty redistricting process will come to a close with map adoption on Dec. 14

The final version of a redistricting mapapproved by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors at the fifth redistrictingpublic hearing on Tuesday has been posted on the county’s website and isavailable for public review. Read full story

December 08, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Department of Agriculture/Weights & Measures releases 2020 SonomaCounty Crop Report

The County of Sonoma Department of Agriculture/Weights & Measures today presented to the Board of Supervisors the 2020 Sonoma County Crop Report, an annual accounting of local agricultural production intended for community use in developing and understanding economic activity, tourism, financing, and historical trends in local agricultural production. Read full story

December 03, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El veinticinco por ciento de los niños con edades entre 5 y 11 años en el Condado de Sonoma, están ahoraparcial o completamente vacunados contrala COVID-19

Uno de cada cuatroniños con edades entre los 5 y los 11años en el Condado de Sonoma están ahora completa o parcialmente vacunados contra la COVID-19; un logroimportante que significa que el condadoha alcanzado el primer objetivo que la Oficina de Educación del Condadode Sonoma y los oficiales de salud del Condado se fijaron para la vacunación pediátrica. Read full story

December 03, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Twenty-five percent of Sonoma County children ages 5 to11 now partially or fully vaccinated against COVID-19

One in four SonomaCounty children ages 5 to 11 are now fully or partially vaccinated againstCOVID-19, an important milestone that means the county has achieved the firstgoal set by the Sonoma County Office of Education and county health officialsfor pediatric vaccinations. Read full story

November 24, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

County of Sonoma contractordiscloses data breach impacting 1,364 clients receiving county services

Seneca Family of Agencies, a contractor providingfamily services for the County of Sonoma, is offering credit monitoring andidentity protection services to 1,364 county clients whose personal data mayhave been exposed during a breach of the contractor’s network. Read full story

November 23, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado deSonoma emite lineamientos por la COVID-19 para las reuniones y los viajes por el Día de Gracias

La gente que esté planeando viajar y asistir a reuniones con motivo de las celebraciones del Día de Gracias deberá de tomar medidas para protegerse a sí misma y a sus familias de la COVID-19, dijo hoy la Dra. Sundari Mase, Oficial de Salud del Condado de Sonoma. Todavía hay muchas oportunidades para hacerse la prueba. Los residentes también deben de asegurarse de que tienen los documentos adecuados que piden algunos destinos, aerolíneas y eventos, para comprobar su estatus de vacunación o los resultados de sus pruebas. Read full story

November 23, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County issuesCOVID-19 guidance for Thanksgiving gatherings, travel

People planning totravel and attend gatherings over the Thanksgiving holiday should take steps toprotect themselves and their families from COVID-19, Sonoma County HealthOfficer Dr. Sundari Mase, said today. Plenty of testing opportunities are stillavailable. Residents also should ensure they have proper documents required bysome destinations, airlines and events to prove their vaccination or testingstatus. Read full story