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April 15, 2021 | Sonoma County Regional Parks
Regional Parks receives $500K to aid fire recovery at Foothill Regional Park
Sonoma County Regional Parks received a $500,000 grant from Kaiser Permanente to renovate Foothill Regional Park with a climate-adaptive design to make it more resilient to wildfires. Read full story
March 24, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
SonomaCounty takes steps to fund vegetation management projects before 2021 fireseason
The Board of Supervisors today delegated a committee to facilitatethe allocation of $2 million to $4 million in PG&E settlement funds fornear-term vegetation management projects with an emphasis on activities inhigh-risk areas and near key ecosystems. Read full story
February 11, 2021 | Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters
Voterregistration deadline approaching for March 2, 2021, Special Election in WestCounty
DevaMarie Proto, Sonoma County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters, remindsresidents of the West Sonoma County Union High School District and/or theBodega Bay Fire Protection District that the regular deadline to register tovote in the upcoming March 2, 2021, Special Election is Feb. 16 at midnight. Read full story
February 10, 2021 | Office of the District Attorney
Sonoma County DistrictAttorney’s Office Awarded Innovative Prosecution Grant to Target Opioid RelatedCrimes
The Sonoma County DistrictAttorney’s Office has recently been awarded a federal grant in the amount of$340,000 by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, a subdivision of the USDepartment of Justice, to assist with the investigation and prosecution ofopioid-related crimes committed in Sonoma County. Read full story
February 10, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Revised state guidance allows Sonoma County TK-6 grade levels to apply for in-person learning with approved safety plan
The County of Sonoma and Sonoma County Office of Education today announced that recent guidance under California's Safe Schools for All Plan allows Sonoma County schools serving grade levels from transitional kindergarten to sixth grade to be eligible to return to in-person learning with an approved COVID-19 Safety Plan, based on the County's adjusted daily case rate of less than 25 per 100,000 residents for five consecutive days. Read full story
February 10, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Sonoma County keeping pace with other California counties in rollout of vaccinations
In partnership with health care providers, Sonoma County has now provided at least one dose of vaccine to 15 percent of its adult population, including nearly 50 percent of residents 75 years and older, Supervisors and Department of Health Services leaders announced today. Read full story
February 10, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Guía estatal revisada permite solicitar el aprendizaje en persona a los grados de TK al 6to del Condado de Sonom con un plan de protección aprobado
La Oficina de Educación del Condado de Sonoma y el Condado de Sonoma anunciaron hoy que la guía reciente bajo el Plan de Escuelas Salubres para Todos de California permite que las escuelas del Condado de Sonoma que tengan alumnos desde el jardín de infantes de transición ("Transition Kindergarten" o TK) hasta el sexto grado sean elegibles para regresar al aprendizaje en persona con un Plan de Protección contra COVID aprobado, basado en el índice de casos diario ajustado del Condado, el cual es de menos de 25 por cada 100.000 residentes durante cinco días consecutivos. Read full story
February 10, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
El Condado de Sonoma sigue el ritmo de otros condados en California con la administración de vacunas
En colaboración con los sistemas de atención médica, el Condado de Sonoma ha dado al menos la primera dosis de vacuna al 15 por ciento de su población adulta, incluso casi el 50 por ciento de los residentes de 75 o más años, anunciaron hoy los supervisores y líderes del Departamento de Servicios de Salud. Read full story
February 09, 2021 | Office of the District Attorney
Sex Offender Denied Request for Pardon
On Friday, February 5, 2021 following a contestedhearing, the Honorable Peter Ottenweller denied a motion for a certificate ofrehabilitation and pardon brought by convicted sex offender Matthew DavidPhillips, 46 years old of Santa Rosa, related to his 2008 felony sex convictions. Read full story
February 08, 2021 | Sonoma County Regional Parks
Sonoma County Regional Parks releases first annual report for Measure M parks sales tax
A report on the first year of the local Measure M – Parks for All sales tax spending is now available and summarizes the various ways Sonoma County and its nine cities allocated $12.4 million in new funding to expand and improve parks in the 2019-20 fiscal year. Read full story