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February 02, 2021 | Office of the District Attorney

Man Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison for Beating Pregnant Girlfriend

Defendant IsraelFabian Fuentes, 34 years old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced earlier today  bythe Honorable Shelly Averill to serve 9 years in state prison after pleadingguilty in May of last year to charges of felony infliction of corporal injuryon his pregnant girlfriend, the mother of his three year old child, andadmitting an enhancement for causing great bodily injury. Read full story

February 02, 2021 | Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters

Ballots in mail today for March 2, 2021 Special Election

Today the Vote-by-Mail ballots for the March 2, 2021, Special Election will begin going out to all active, registered voters who have elected to receive their ballots in the mail residing in the West Sonoma County Union High School District and/or the Bodega Bay Fire Protection District. Read full story

February 02, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

SonomaCounty reaffirms commitment to vaccinate seniors 75 and older

Sonoma County officials reaffirmed their commitment to prioritizing the county’s most vulnerable population - those 75 and older - in the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations by announcing several new opportunities for seniors in this age group to schedule appointments. Read full story

February 02, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma reafirma su compromiso para vacunar a los adultos mayores de 75 años y más

Los oficiales del Condado de Sonoma reafirmaron su compromiso de darle prioridad a la población más vulnerable del condado – aquellos con 75 años y más – en el programa de vacunación contra la COVID-19, anunciando muchas nuevas oportunidades para que los adultos mayores de 75 años y más puedan programar sus citas. Read full story

January 28, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

UCCE Sonoma County surveys livestock producers foremergency needs

In an effort to coordinate safe and efficient animal evacuation in the face of a community emergency or disaster, University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) in Sonoma County is asking poultry and livestock producers to complete a survey of their needs. Their input will inform UCCE and the County of Sonoma departments, local agencies, and private organizations as they develop evacuation plans for rapid deployment of services. Read full story

January 26, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County health officials issue freeze warning

The County of Sonoma is issuing a freeze warning in response to the National Weather Service’s (NWS) prediction for freezing overnight lows expected through Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. NWS has also issued a Flash Flood Watch for the region Tuesday at 4 p.m. through Thursday at 4 p.m., and a High Wind Watch for Tuesday at 7 p.m. through Wednesday at 10 a.m. Read full story

January 26, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Los oficiales de salud del Condado de Sonoma emiten una Alerta de Helada

El Condado de Sonoma está emitiendo un alerta de helada en respuesta al pronóstico del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS) de que las temperaturas bajas provocarán una helada hasta las 9 a.m. del martes. El NWS también emitió un alerta de Potencial Inundación Súbita para la región del martes a las 4 pm y hasta el jueves a las 4 pm y un Alerta de Vientos Fuertes del martes a las 7 pm al miércoles a las 10 am. Read full story

January 26, 2021 | Natural Resources

Russian River Inflatable Dam Deflation Planned

In anticipation of the first big storm of the winter, the SonomaCounty Water Agency (Sonoma Water) on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 will begin theprocess of deflating its rubber dam located in the Russian River nearForestville. Read full story

January 25, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Reminder to Residents: Be Prepared for Potential Winter Storm Hazards

The City of Santa Rosa and the County of Sonoma encourage residents living in and around wildfire burn areas to be prepared for potential threats, such as flash floods, rock falls, debris flows and mud flows. Read full story

January 25, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

SonomaCounty to be one of four counties in California to take part inpilot vaccination program with OptumServe

SonomaCounty to be one of four counties in California to take part inpilot vaccination program with OptumServe Read full story