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July 22, 2020 | Office of the District Attorney
Serial Robber WhoTargeted Young Female Victims Sentenced to 33 Years, 8 Months State Prison
Defendant William Drew Hodges, 54 years old of Rohnert Park, was sentenced earlier today by the Honorable Christopher Honigsberg to serve 33 years, 8 months in state prison after having been convicted in December last year of committing 11 separate robberies. Read full story
July 22, 2020 | Permit Sonoma
County of Sonoma to Develop Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
Today marks the first day of the season for Sonoma County’s Residential Curbside Chipper program. This free curbside chipper service supports residents in creating defensible space around their homes and reduces vegetation along access routes. Read full story
July 21, 2020 | Office of the District Attorney
23Year Old Man Sentenced to 6 years in Prison for Child Molest
Defendant Moises Flores, 23years old, was sentenced today by the Honorable Shelly Averill to serve 6years in state prison after pleading no contest to one charge of committing alewd act on a child under 14 in violation of Penal Code section 288(a). Read full story
July 13, 2020 | Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters
NominationPeriod Opens for November 3, 2020, ConsolidatedGeneral Election
Nominations opened today for municipal offices as wellas school and special district governing board seats scheduled for election onNov. 3, 2020. According to County Clerk Deva Marie Proto, candidatesinterested in running for any of the more than 200 positions whose terms expirethis year must file nomination papers between July 13 and Aug. 7 in order tohave their names placed on the Nov. 3 ballot. Read full story
July 12, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
El Estado impone restricciones a algunos negocios debido al aumento de casos de coronavirus en el condado de Sonoma
ElDepartamento de Salud Pública del Estado ordenó nuevas restricciones parabares, restaurantes y otras operaciones de negocios interiores en el Condado deSonoma como parte de las acciones estatales para disminuir la aceleración de latransmisión del coronavirus. Read full story
July 12, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
State places restrictions on some businesses due to rising Sonoma County coronavirus cases
Thestate Department of Public Health has ordered new restrictions on bars,restaurants and other indoor business operations in Sonoma County as part ofstatewide actions to slow the increased spread of the coronavirus. Read full story
July 10, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
El Estado pone al condado de Sonoma en su lista de monitoreo en respuesta al aumento de casos de coronavirus
El Departamento de Salud Pública del Estado notificó hoy al condado de Sonoma que si los datos de coronavirus de la región no mejoran en las próximas 72 horas, el Condado estará sujeto a nuevas restricciones como parte de las acciones estatales diseñadas para disminuir la transmisión del coronavirus Read full story
July 10, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
State places Sonoma County on monitoring list in response to rising coronavirus cases
The state Department of Public Health notified the County of Sonoma today that if the region’s coronavirus data do not improve over the next 72 hours, the County will be subject to new restrictions as part of statewide actions designed to slow the spread of coronavirus. Read full story
July 09, 2020 | Office of the District Attorney
Rohnert Park Man Receives Life Sentence For Child Molestation
2147490884 2020-07-09 false Immediate Rohnert Park Man Receives Life Sentence For Child Molestation Santa Rosa CA Martin Dewitt, of Rohnert Park, CA was sentenced today by the Honorable Shelly Averill to serve 30 years-to-Life in prison. The sentence follows a guilty plea by Dewitt, in Ma Read full story
July 09, 2020 | Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters
Sonoma CountyAssessor Deva Marie Proto Completes 2020/2021 Assessment Roll
SonomaCounty Clerk-Recorder-Assessor Deva Marie Proto has delivered the assessmentroll to the Sonoma County Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector. The netassessment roll for 2020-21 is $98,573,706,364 with an increase of 4.67 percentover 2019-20. The assessment roll reflects the value of all real and businessproperty as of Jan. 1, 2020. Read full story