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January 05, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

Ten-year update on Long Term Roads Plan shows improvements, ongoing investment needed for Pavement Preservation Program

Officials with the County of Sonoma Department of Transportation and Public Works today provided an update to the Board of Supervisors regarding the county’s Pavement Preservation Program and Long Term Roads Plan, consistent with the Resilient Infrastructure pillar of the county’s Five-Year Strategic Plan to make critical investments in the county road network. Read full story

January 03, 2022 | Office of the District Attorney

<p>Petaluma Man Sentenced to Prison for Pimping while Armed with a Firearm</p><p> </p>

<p> <span>Defendant, LaneRobert Norman, 22 years old of Petaluma, was sentenced today by the HonorableBradford DeMeo to 8 years and 4 months in prison in connection with hisno-contest pleas in October to pimping while armed with a firearm as well asfurnishing cocaine to a minor.</span></p><p><span></span></p> Read full story

December 30, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Los oficiales de salud del Condado de Sonoma emiten una advertencia por congelamiento

El Condado de Sonoma está emitiendo una advertencia de congelamiento en respuesta al pronóstico del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de temperaturas bajo cero en la noche, que se esperan en la mañana del viernes 31 de diciembre al lunes 3 de enero. Se espera que las temperaturas bajen a los 20 y 30 grados superiores en la mayoría de las áreas. Los oficiales recomiendan que los residentes limiten el tiempo afuera, porque padecimientos médicos que incluyen la hipotermia y el congelamiento, se pueden desarrollar con una exposición prolongada al frio. Read full story

December 30, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County health officials issue cold weather warning

The County of Sonoma is issuing a cold weather warning in response to the National Weather Service’s prediction of possible freezing overnight temperatures on Friday, Dec. 31 through Monday, Jan. 3. Temperatures are expected to drop to the upper 20s and 30s for most areas. Officials recommend that residents limit time outdoors, as serious medical conditions including hypothermia and frostbite can develop with prolonged cold weather exposure. Read full story

December 29, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma elimina la exención en el uso delcubre bocas para grupos completamente vacunados

El Condado de Sonoma hoy se unió a otros cuatrocondados en el Area de la Bahía, para eliminar la exención a las órdenes desalud pública locales que les permitía a los grupos estables de gentecompletamente vacunada el quitarse los cubre bocas en interiores en algunoslugares de trabajo, gimnasios, iglesias y otros lugares públicos. Read full story

December 29, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma Countyrescinds face mask exemption for fully vaccinated groups

Sonoma Countytoday joined four other Bay Area counties in rescinding exemptions to localpublic health orders that allowed stable groups of fully vaccinated people toremove their masks indoors in some workplaces, gyms, churches and other publicsettings. Read full story

December 29, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County issuesCOVID-19 guidance for New Year’s gatherings

People planning totravel and attend gatherings on the New Year’s Eve holiday should take steps toprotect themselves and their families from COVID-19, Sonoma County HealthOfficer Dr. Sundari Mase, said today. Read full story

December 29, 2021 | Human Resources Department

<p>Immediate Winter Freeze Relief for Unsheltered Persons Experiencing Homelessness </p>

Immediate Winter Freeze Relief for Unsheltered Persons Commission on Human Rights County of Sonoma California Human Resources Read full story

December 28, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma urge a los patrones para queexijan la prueba de vacuna de refuerzo contra la COVID-19 o por lo menos pruebas dos veces a lasemana

Los patrones ledeben de exigir de inmediato a sus trabajadores que se apliquen la vacuna derefuerzo contra la COVID-19, si son elegibles para una, o que se hagan laprueba por lo menos dos veces a la semana contra la COVID, bajo los nuevoslineamientos emitidos hoy por la Oficial de Salud del Condado de Sonoma, Dra.Sundari Mase. Read full story

December 28, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma Countyurges employers to require proof of COVID-19 booster shot or at leasttwice-weekly testing

Employers should immediately require all workers to get a booster doseof the COVID-19 vaccine, if eligible for one, or get tested at least twiceweekly for COVID under new guidelines issued today by Sonoma County HealthOfficer Dr. Sundari Mase. Read full story