Board of Supervisors Department
News Index
February 05, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Sonoma County to vaccinate those 70 and older starting Monday at county-supported clinics and Safeway pharmacies
Sonoma County residents ages 70 and above will be able to get COVID-19 vaccines at designated County-supported clinics and Safeway pharmacies starting on Monday, county officials announced today. The opening of these clinics to this age group is part of an overall vaccine distribution timeline and strategy that supervisors and public health officials announced jointly at a news briefing Friday. Read full story
February 05, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
La Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Sonoma va a sostenerun foro del ActaTRUTH para revisarlos datos delAlguacil sobre el acceso ICE
Los residentesdel Condado de Sonoma están invitados para participar en un foro comunitario enlínea para conocer acerca del acceso a los reclusosy a su información, que la Oficina del Alguacil le proporciona a lasautoridades federales de migración. Read full story
February 05, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
El Condado de Sonoma va a vacunar a aquellos de 70 añosy más, a partir del lunes, en clínicas apoyadas por el condado y farmacias Safeway
Los residentes del Condado de Sonoma con edades de 70 años y más podrán recibir la vacuna contra la COVID-19 en las clínicas específicas que apoya el Condado y en las farmacias Safeway a partir del lunes, anunciaron hoy oficiales del condado. La apertura de estas clínicas para este grupo de edad es parte de un programa y una estrategia completa para distribuir la vacuna, el cual fue anunciado de manera conjunta por los supervisores y oficiales de salud pública en una conferencia informativa el viernes. Read full story
February 04, 2021 | Board of Supervisors Department
INTERVIEW: Lynda Hopkins On The Vaccine Oversight In Sonoma County
KSRO talks with Lynda Hopkins about the BOS meeting, vaccine oversight, clarifications, task management, healthcare provider feedback, transparency & reliable data. Read full story
February 03, 2021 | Board of Supervisors Department
PD: Hopkins says Sonoma County should take control of coronavirus vaccination appointments
Hopkins believes the messy situation calls for the county to take a more central role, including the ability to require hospitals to vaccinate people outside their networks and release the associated data. Read full story
February 02, 2021 | Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters
Ballots in mail today for March 2, 2021 Special Election
Today the Vote-by-Mail ballots for the March 2, 2021, Special Election will begin going out to all active, registered voters who have elected to receive their ballots in the mail residing in the West Sonoma County Union High School District and/or the Bodega Bay Fire Protection District. Read full story
February 02, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
SonomaCounty reaffirms commitment to vaccinate seniors 75 and older
Sonoma County officials reaffirmed their commitment to prioritizing the county’s most vulnerable population - those 75 and older - in the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations by announcing several new opportunities for seniors in this age group to schedule appointments. Read full story
February 02, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
El Condado de Sonoma reafirma su compromiso para vacunar a los adultos mayores de 75 años y más
Los oficiales del Condado de Sonoma reafirmaron su compromiso de darle prioridad a la población más vulnerable del condado – aquellos con 75 años y más – en el programa de vacunación contra la COVID-19, anunciando muchas nuevas oportunidades para que los adultos mayores de 75 años y más puedan programar sus citas. Read full story
February 01, 2021 | Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters
Notice of Central Counting Place and Polling Places for March 2, 2021, Special Election
Notice is hereby given that,pursuant to Elections Code Section 12109, the Sonoma County Registrar of VotersOffice, 435 Fiscal Drive, Santa Rosa, CA, will be the central counting placefor ballots cast in the Special Election, March 2, 2021. Read full story
January 29, 2021 | Board of Supervisors Department
Update on Local Vaccinations--Supervisor Gorin Newsletter
Update on Local Vaccinations--Supervisor Gorin Newsletter Read full story