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April 30, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Annual Senior Art Show Displays Work by Artists Age 60+

The 2019 Senior Art Show, a display of original artwork by Sonoma County residents age 60+, runs May 21-July 11, at Finley Community Center, 2060 W. College Ave., Santa Rosa. The Opening Reception is Thurs., May 23, 1-4 p.m., at the Finley Center. Santa Rosa, California. Read full story

April 29, 2019 | Department of Human Services

1 de mayo: Llame (707) 565-INFO para Respuestas o Preocupaciones acerca del Envejecimiento

Empezando el 1 de mayo, adultos de 60 años o mayor pueden hablar con trabajadores sociales con experiencia de la Agencia de Adultos y Envejecimiento del Condado de Sonoma al llamar al nuevo numera de información y asistencia 707-565-INFO (707-565-4636) para responder a preguntas acerca de los muchos problemas que se enfrentan los adultos de mayor edad y para recibir referencias a servicios ofrecidos por agencias en la comunidad o por el gobierno. La asistencia gratis por teléfono se ofrece de lunes a viernes, 9AM a 4PM en inglés o en español. (Interpretes para otros lenguajes o asistencia alternativa para la comunicación pueden ser solicitados). Read full story

April 29, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Comida Gratis, regalos, descuentos y giros realza el mes de mayo para celebrar el programa CalFresh

Los departamentos del Condado y otras agencias no comerciales los invita a celebrar el mes de CalFresh en el mes de mayo al regalar fruto saludable, bolsas para el mercado hechas de tela, recetas y libros de cocinar, adicionalmente giras de los mercados de agricultores y descuentos “Market Match”, eventos para la educación de nutrición y para inscribirse o recibir más información sobre el programa CalFresh en localidades en Santa Rosa, Petaluma y Healdsburg. Read full story

April 26, 2019 | Department of Health Services

May is Mental Health Matters Month

Every May, Sonoma County comes together to raise awareness about mental health, emphasizing the importance and effectiveness of increasing awareness of mental health services and decreasing stigma by hosting a variety of activities and events. Read full story

April 26, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Free Food, Giveaways, Discounts and Tours Highlight May CalFresh Month Celebration

County departments and local nonprofits invite the community to celebrate CalFresh Month throughout May at free giveaways of healthy produce, cloth market bags, recipe cards and cookbooks, plus farmers market tours and Market Match discounts, nutrition education events andCalFresh eligibility and enrollment information at locations in Santa Rosa, Petaluma and Healdsburg. Read full story

April 25, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Census will arrive in your mailbox soon

Census 2020 Document will be mailed March 16 to March 23, 2030 Read full story

April 25, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Special Publication: Teens and the Vape Debate

"The best approach to prevention seems to be fair education. That is, education on vaping that isn't judgmental, that doesn't gloss over the allure and doesn't simply tell young people they are wrong. It seems like we are moving away from the 'Just Say No' message that failed our society with other substance abuse."- Sonoma West Publishers Staff Read full story

April 25, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Call (707) 565-INFO for Answers to Concerns about Aging

Starting May 1, older adults can talk with experienced Sonoma County Adult & Aging Division social workers by calling a new information and assistance line at for answers to questions about a host of aging issues and get referrals to helpful community and government services. Santa Rosa, California. Read full story

April 23, 2019 | Board of Supervisors Department

Sonoma County Board to Consider New Economic Development Director

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will consider theappointment of a City of Stockton Economic Development Manager to fulfill therole as the new director of the Economic Development Department Read full story

April 22, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

El estatus de ciudadania en el Censo 2020 no se compartira

El secretario de Comercio federal, Wilbur Ross, dijo el jueves que cualquier información sobre la ciudadanía recopilada como parte del Censo del 2020 no se compartirá. Read full story