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February 28, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Russian River Floodwaters Begin to Recede

The Russian River reached a crest of 45.4 feet late Wednesday night, just short of the projected peak of 46 feet. The river has started to recede and is expected drop to below flood stage of 32 feet early Friday morning. Preliminary estimates indicate as many as 3,000 structures have been damaged during the flood. Read full story

February 28, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Russian River Floodwaters Begin to Recede

The Russian River reached a crest of 45.4 feet late Wednesday night, just short of the projected peak of 46 feet. Read full story

February 28, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Niveles del Río Russian Empiezan a Descender

El miércoles en la noche el río Russian alcanzó a su punto máximo de inundación a los 45.4 pies, llegando casi al nivel proyectado de 46 pies. Read full story

February 28, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Governador Newsom declara el Condado de Sonoma en Emergencia

Como consecuencia severa de las tormentas y subsecuente inundaciones en el río Russian, el Gobernador Newsom declara estado de emergencia para permitir recibir fondos estatales y recursos para ayudar a nuestra comunidad local y recuperarnos del impacto de las inundaciones, deslizamientos, y daño críticas a infraestructuras. Read full story

February 28, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Governor Newsom Declares State of Emergency for Sonoma County

In the wake of this week’s severe storms and subsequent flooding along the Russian River, Governor Newsom has declared a State of Emergency to allow for state funds and resources to help our local community respond to and recover from the impacts of flooding, mudslides, and damage to critical infrastructure. Read full story

February 27, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

County Storm Update 2: Evacuation Order Issued

The latest prediction from the California Nevada River Forecast Center indicates the Russian River will reach minor flood stages of 32 feet at 7 pm tonight, and it is anticipated that it will peak at 11 pm tomorrow, February 27, at a crest of 46.1 feet at Guerneville. It is expected that the Russian River will recede below flood levels, at 32 feet, at 10 pm on Thursday, February 28th.In response, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office issued evacuation orders to residents living near the Russian River floodway and its tributaries through the Wireless Emergency Alert system (WEA), SoCoAlert and other social media tools. If you are planning to evacuate, we recommend you evacuate now to help clear the roads for emergency vehicles this evening. Read full story

February 27, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

County Supervisors Proclaim Local Emergency for Winter Storms and Flooding

County Supervisors Proclaim Local Emergency for Winter Storms and Flooding Proclamation asks Governor to declare State Emergency, make assistance available Santa Rosa CA. Read full story

February 27, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

Supervisores del Condado de Sonoma Proclaman Emergencia Local por Tormenta Invernal e Inundaciones

County Supervisors Proclaim Local Emergency for Winter Storms and Flooding Proclamation asks Governor to declare State Emergency, make assistance available Santa Rosa CA. Read full story

February 26, 2019 | Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector Department

PeopleSoft and Reporting Services will be down starting March 7 @ 5:00 PM; Big Changes Coming!

In case you missedthe communications that went out previously, we want to remind you PeopleSoftand Reporting Services will be unavailable from 5:00pm on Thursday, March 7through Sunday, March 10. Read full story

February 26, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

County Storm Update 2: Evacuation Order Issued

The latest prediction from the California Nevada River Forecast Center indicates the Russian River will reach minor flood stages of 32 feet at 7 pm tonight, and it is anticipated that it will peak at 11 pm tomorrow, February 27, at a crest of 46.1 feet at Guerneville. It is expected that the Russian River will recede below flood levels, at 32 feet, at 10 pm on Thursday, February 28th.In response, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office issued evacuation orders to residents living near the Russian River floodway and its tributaries through the Wireless Emergency Alert system (WEA), SoCoAlert and other social media tools. If you are planning to evacuate, we recommend you evacuate now to help clear the roads for emergency vehicles this evening. Read full story