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January 17, 2019 | Department of Health Services

California HOPE Geographic Data Report

California HOPE also known as the Crisis Counseling Program (CCP) was designed and implemented to address the emotional impact on survivors of the 2017 Sonoma Complex Fires and it supports outreach events targeting vulnerable populations such as seniors, Latino residents, and families with children age five and under. The data in this report shows survivors in the various regions are not experiencing event reactions in identical ways. Read full story

January 17, 2019 | Natural Resources

Atmospheric River Swells Reservoirs, Puts Pressure on Sanitation Systems

The atmospheric river that swept into Sonoma County this week sent reservoirs levels rising in the two main water supply reservoirs that the Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) manages, but the heavy rainfall also put pressure on the wastewater collection system in the Sonoma Valley. Read full story

January 17, 2019 | Natural Resources

Community Meeting Scheduled on Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Sustainability Fee

The Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Sustainability Agency(GSA) is hosting a community meeting on January 30, to discuss a proposedgroundwater sustainability fee to provide short-term funding for the newagency. Attendees will also learn about a proposed well registration program.The meeting will be held at 6 p.m., Wednesday, January 30, Finley CommunityCenter, 2060 West College Ave, Santa Rosa. Read full story

January 16, 2019 | Board of Supervisors Department

County Storm Update: Mud Slides Possible in Burn Scars this Evening

The National Weather Service has issued severalalerts and warnings due to the strong winter storm forecasted to pass overSonoma County Wednesday night through Thursday, January 17, 2019. With theforecasted rain, there is potential for mudslides in the areas that burned inthe October 2017 wildfires this evening. Read full story

January 16, 2019 | Board of Supervisors Department

Actualización sobre Tormenta: Existen Posibilidades De Deslizamientos En Zonas Quemadas Durante la Noche

El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología ha emitido varias alertas en relación a la tormenta invernal que pasa por el Condado de Sonoma y que se extenderá hasta el jueves 17 de enero de 2019. Las fuertes lluvias que se pronostican para la noche crean potencial para que se generen deslizamientos de tierra en las áreas quemadas por los incendios de octubre de 2017. Read full story

January 15, 2019 | Department of Agriculture, Weights & Measures

It's Crop Report Time!

We are conducting our annual survey for the Sonoma County Agricultural Crop Report. If you are an agricultural producer, it is important that we receive your production figures for 2018. Read full story

January 14, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Algunos beneficiaros de CalFresh podrán recibir subsidios anticipados debido al cierre del gobierno federal

El estado de California repartirá los subsidios de CalFresh de febrero de manera anticipada debido a que el cierre del gobierno federal podría causar que no se generen nuevos auxilios de alimentos para el mes de febrero. Read full story

January 14, 2019 | Natural Resources

Faulty Valve Leads to Sonoma Valley Wastewater Spill

A faultyvalve resulted in the accidental release of 2 million gallons of untreatedwastewater from a pipeline in the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District(District). The leak occurred at Schell Slough in Sonoma Valley, and the wastewaterflowed into the slough. Read full story

January 09, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Mobile Support Team ExpandingServices to West County and Sonoma Valley

The Sonoma County MobileSupport Team (MST), a crisis response program that supports local lawenforcement responding to individuals experiencing a mental health emergency, is expanding its services beginning January15, 2019. Read full story

January 08, 2019 | County Administrator's Office

January SoCo Correspondent

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors would like to wish you ahappy new year.  2018 was a challenging year for many of our residents, but it wasalso the year we started to rise together. Although we know we have a long wayahead of us, we want to make 2019 the year of recovery. Please share the Correspondent with your family and friends, and if you have any ideas of how we can improve the newsletter or other outreach efforts please send us your thoughts to Read full story