Press Releases
January 26, 2022 | County Administrator's Office
Portrait of Sonoma County 2021 revealsmixed picture: overalluptick in well-being and deepening inequities
A major new report released today, A Portrait of Sonoma County 2021 Update, delivers a mixed picture of health and well-being in the county. Taken as a whole, people in Sonoma County live longer, earn more money, stay in school and earn college degrees at higher rates than in other counties across California and the United States. Yet the report also reveals widely varying conditions of health and well-being for many people and neighborhoods in Sonoma County. Read full story
January 25, 2022 | County Administrator's Office
El Condado de Sonomaanuncia clínicas de vacunación contra la COVID-19, en los Terrenos de la Feria del Condado deSonoma
El Condado de Sonoma va a incrementar el acceso a las vacunas pediátricas y para adultos contra la COVID-19, y a los refuerzos, a través de una serie de clínicas de vacunación de alto volumen en los Terrenos de la Feria del Condado de Sonoma a partir del sábado. Hasta 500 vacunas se podrán administrar al día en estas clínicas, que serán ofrecidas en el Edificio Garrett en el campus de los Terrenos de la Feria. Las clínicas tendrán verificativo los sábados y los domingos en cada uno de los siguientes cuatro fines de semana, enero 29-30 y febrero 5-6, 12-13, y 19-20 de las 9 a.m. a las 4 p.m. Read full story
January 25, 2022 | County Administrator's Office
Sonoma County announcesfour weekend COVID-19 vaccine clinics at Sonoma CountyFairgrounds
The County of Sonoma will expand access to pediatric andadult COVID-19 vaccines and boosters through a series of large-scale vaccineclinics at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds starting Saturday. Up to 500 vaccinescan be administered per day at these clinics, which will be held in the GarrettBuilding on the Fairgrounds campus. Clinics will be held Saturday andSunday for each of the next four weekends, Jan. 29-30 and Feb. 5-6, 12-13, and19-20 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Read full story
January 21, 2022 | County Administrator's Office
Sonoma Countyopens local psychiatric health facility
The Sonoma County Healing Center, a new psychiatric health facility approved by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors in May 2020, officially opened today. The county-owned facility, located at 7440 Los Guilicos Road in Santa Rosa will provide short-term treatment to individuals experiencing mental health issues. Read full story
January 20, 2022 | County Administrator's Office
Nuevo estudio sobreel bienestar local e inequidades será presentado el 26 de enero en un eventopor el lanzamiento del Retrato delCondado de Sonoma
Un vistazo detallado al bienestar de la gente que viveen el Condado de Sonoma será presentado al público el 26 de enero en un foro enlínea, donde la comunidad tendrá la oportunidad de forjar políticas einversiones futuras, para enfrentar las crecientes inequidades en la región. Read full story
January 20, 2022 | County Administrator's Office
Garrick Byers será nombrado como Director Interino para la Oficina Independiente de Revisión yAlcance del Cumplimiento de la Ley
La Administradora del CondadoSheryl Bratton anuncioque Garrick Byers seránombrado para servir como Director Interino de la Oficina Independiente de Revisión y Alcance delCumplimiento de la Ley (IOLERO) a partir del 25de enero. Read full story
January 20, 2022 | County Administrator's Office
Newstudy on local well-being, inequities to be unveiled at Jan. 26 launch eventfor Portrait of Sonoma County
A detailed look at the well-being of people living inSonoma County will be released to the public on January 26 in an online forum,where the community will have an opportunity to shape future policies andinvestments to address growing inequities in the region. Read full story
January 20, 2022 | County Administrator's Office
Garrick Byers appointed as Interim Director for the county’s Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach
County Administrator Sheryl Bratton announced that Garrick Byers will be appointed to serve as Interim Director of the Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach (IOLERO) beginning on January 25. Read full story
January 14, 2022 | County Administrator's Office
El Condado de Sonoma devela recursos para los dueños de pozosafectados por la sequia
El Condado de Sonoma, en colaboración con la JuntaRegional de Control de la Calidad del Agua de la Costa Norte, develó nuevos recursos el día de hoy paraayudar a los dueños de pozos privados a asegurar que su agua es segura parabeber, entre los cambios a los mantos de agua que han resultado de la sequía. Read full story
January 14, 2022 | County Administrator's Office
Sonoma County unveils resources for well owners impacted by drought
Sonoma County, in collaboration with the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, unveiled new resources today to help private well owners ensure their water is safe to drink amid changes in local groundwater tables as a result of the drought. Read full story