Press Releases
October 01, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Debris removal program clears final parcels after 2020wildfires
State and local officials announced today the completion of major wildfire debris removal operations on 243 parcels in Sonoma County associated with the 2020 LNU Lightning Complex and Glass fires. Read full story
September 30, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Publicación de Datos del Censo Estatal Desencadena Serie de Reuniones Públicas de Redistribución de Distritos del Condado de Sonoma
Con la publicación reciente de los datos del censo ajustados por el estado de California, el condado de Sonoma se está preparando para una serie de reuniones públicas de redistribución de distritos durante los próximos meses. Read full story
September 30, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Sonoma County invests more than $6.5 million ingenerators to create safe havens, maintain services during emergencies
Bolstering its ability to deliver essential services to the public during emergencies, the County of Sonoma has completed the first phase of an initiative to install 13 large generators at major evacuation centers and other important public facilities. Read full story
September 29, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Release of state census data triggers series of Sonoma Countyredistricting public meetings
With the recent release of the State of California-adjusted Census data, Sonoma County is gearing up for a series of redistricting public meetings over the next couple of months. Read full story
September 28, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Board of Supervisors adopts ordinance to restrict sale and use of polystyrene foam products in Sonoma County
The County of Sonoma Board ofSupervisors today adopted an ordinance prohibiting the sale and use ofdisposable food service containers and other products containing polystyrenefoam, perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Read full story
September 24, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
El Condado de Sonoma Empieza con las vacunas de refuerzo contra la COVID-19
Las vacunas de refuerzo contra la COVID-19 están disponibles en el Condado de Sonoma para los adultos mayores, trabajadores de cuidados de la salud, personal de seguridad pública, otros que tengan un riesgo mayor de contagio y transmisión de la COVID-19 debido a su trabajo o lugar donde residen y aquellos que recibieron la segunda dosis de la vacuna de Pfizer-BioNTech, hace por lo menos seis meses. Read full story
September 24, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Sonoma County rolls out COVID-19 booster shots
COVID-19 booster shots are available in Sonoma County for eligible seniors, health care workers, public safety personnel and others who are at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional setting, and who received the second dose of the two-shot Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at least six months ago. Read full story
September 22, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Board of Supervisors adopts urgency ordinance to curb misuse of multi-tenant commercial cannabis policy
The County of SonomaBoard of Supervisors today adopted a 45-day interim urgency ordinanceprohibiting ministerial permits for multi-tenant commercial cannabiscultivation in unincorporated Sonoma County. Read full story
September 21, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
El Condado de Sonoma empieza la Construcción del Parque de Comida Mitote
El Condado de Sonoma va a celebrar la creación del Parque de Comida Mitote con una ceremonia para el inicio de la construcción el jueves 23 de septiembre a las 4 p.m. El evento presentara música y un variedad de cocinas de los vendedores locales. La ceremonia empezará con los oficiales locales poniendo la primera piedra y continuará hasta las 6 p.m. Read full story
September 21, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Sonoma county to break ground on Mitote Food Park
Sonoma County will be celebrating the creation of theMitote Food Park with a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday, Sept. 23 at 4 p.m. Read full story