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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

6-3 Temporary Transitional Duty -Section VI: Roles and Responsibilities

Human Resources Disability Management 750

Return to Temporary Transitional Duty Table of Contents

Approved: County Administrator
Authority: County Administrator
Revised Date: January 20, 2006

What’s on this Page

VI. Roles and Responsibilities


  • Notify their department representative immediately of any work related or non-work related injury or illness that may relate to, or impacts their medical eligibility for temporary transitional duty.
  • Notify their department representative immediately of any changes to their medical restrictions identified or changed by their physician.
  • Work within their established medical restrictions and provide written medical documentation, prior to being returned to full duty by their Department.
  • Return to their normal duties as soon as they are able.

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Department Heads, Designees, and Supervisors

  • Deliver any medical restrictions to their departmental liaison within 24 hours of receipt.
  • Review the description of the employee’s medical restrictions and identify potential temporary transitional duty assignments.
  • Serve as the primary point of contact with Risk Management throughout the process of identifying and monitoring temporary transitional duty assignments.
  • Strive to assign employees to the same work schedule with the same days off and hours as their regular full duty assignment. However, the Department reserves the right to modify any work schedule, and/or work hours based on the needs of the Department and applicable MOUs.
  • Send a Letter of Temporary Transitional Duty Assignment specifying the parameters of the temporary transitional duty assignment to the employee.
  • Monitor work assignments to ensure the employee is working within the established medical restrictions.
  • Evaluate all available funding and resources, coordinating with Risk Management to make every effort to implement temporary transitional duty assignments within existing budgeted resources.
  • Report to the CAO, as needed, regarding implementation of the temporary transitional duty program.
  • In conjunction with Risk Management provide an annual status report to the CAO.

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Human Resources

Risk Management (for occupational illness or injuries) and Human Resources (for non-occupation illness or injuries)

  • Assist in the implementation of establishing temporary transitional duty assignments within departments.
  • Review all injuries or illnesses that result in seven days lost time from work to determine when temporary transitional duty is appropriate for those employees.
  • Collaborate with the appropriate medical provider in an effort to identify work restrictions.
  • Monitor and track all temporary transitional duty assignments, as required by Cal/OSHA.
  • Develop an annual report on utilization of the Temporary Transitional Duty Program to the CAO.
  • Assess and facilitate appropriate appeals to the CAO as needed.

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