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Department of Health Services

Sonoma County Homeless Coalition

FY 2023 CoC Renewal Evaluations: Rating & Ranking Process for the Continuum of Care Competition (Materials due May 01, 2023)

Published: April 03, 2023

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that local CoC’s prioritize all renewal and new projects submitted in our consolidated application for the CoC Program. As in previous years, CoC staff will work on the evaluation of existing projects, also called “renewal” projects, prior to the release of HUD’s Continuum of Care Program Notice of Funding Availability.

Project priorities will be generated by a scoring system, site visits and interviews by the CoC Competition Evaluation Workgroup, made up of impartial members of the Sonoma County Continuum of Care Board, community partners, and those with lived experience of homelessness. The evaluation workgroup will be open to the public, and all documents will be published and noticed publicly.

Meeting information can be located here:

HUD has yet to release information on the opening of its application period but has indicated it would likely open the competition on a similar timeline as in previous years, likely in July or August.  We will continue the process for rating and ranking slightly adjusted in 2022 in order to evaluate both renewal and new projects on a more equitable basis.  Staff and CoC Competition Evaluation Workgroup members will begin monitoring renewal projects May of 2023 but will not finalize ranking of renewal projects until the Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) period opens. Final funding decisions, including decisions about Tier 1 & 2 funding, will be made by the CoC Board. 

For detailed information on the CoC Competition for funding, please visit our website at: