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Important Updates From Your Human Resources Team
Published: March 24, 2020
Dear Sonoma County Employees,
As the County continues to follow the shelter in place order, we are all experiencing changes due our work and personal lives. We at HR are looking at our programs and services and trying to determine what we can offer and change to accommodate these extenuating circumstances. Thank you for everything that you’re doing during this difficult time. Please see below for updates from Human Resources.
Deadline to Submit 2019 Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Claims Extended
The deadline to submit 2019 FSA claims has been extended to April 30, 2020. If you need assistance submitting a claim, please contact the P&A Group at (800) 688-2611, Monday through Friday from 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. PT or online at: www.padmin.com
Click this link for more information: Page has been archived.
Learning Management System
Training is available on the LMS. Sonoma higher ed, the County’s Learning Management System (LMS), continues to offer online training opportunities for employees. Now may be a good opportunity to complete any online mandatory trainings.
Sonoma higher ed is a cloud-based system that is accessible from any computer with an internet connection. You do not need VPN to access Sonoma higher ed. County employees can easily launch each course themselves.
While you are working remotely from home, consider the following training possibilities:
AB 1825: Preventing Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation in the Workplace Training
New legislation expands harassment prevention training and requires all employees of the County to complete this training on a regular basis. Prior to the new legislation, harassment prevention training was required only for managerial, supervisory, and lead-worker employees.
All County employees (including Extra Help and interns) are required to take the same two-hour training by the end of 2020 and every two years thereafter. The training is based on AB 1825 requirements and meets the needs of the new legislation. Employees who have already taken AB 1825 the training, will remain on their two-year cycle.
For more information about Sonoma higher ed go to: http://sonomacounty.ca.gov/HR/Employee-Resources/sonoma-higher-ed/
You will need your network login credentials to access the system using one of the following links, depending on your Department:
- County network: https://sonomacounty.sabacloud.com
- Human Services: https://sonomacounty-hsd.sabacloud.com
- Water Agency: https://sonomacounty-water.sabacloud.com
Unfortunately, if you do not have a network login, the system cannot be accessed at this time.
Employee Facebook Page
The County Human Resources Department created a Facebook page for County employees as an additional way to communicate important information during emergency events. We wanted to create a safe place for employees to communicate with their County family. The group is private and only County employees can join. Follow the instructions below to request to join the group.
Click this link for more information: Page has been archived.
If you have any questions about this information, please contact your Department's HR Liaison.
Your Human Resources Team