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Message From County Administrator
Published: October 23, 2020
Dear County Family,
On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors unanimously endorsed a suite of actions to slow the spread of coronavirus by providing direct support to those most negatively impacted. The goal of these initiatives is to address coronavirus disparities while reducing overall community spread and allowing the County to move out of the most-restrictive purple tier within the governor’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy.
One of these new strategies is to encourage residents, particularly those living in designated neighborhoods that are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus, to be tested. Increasing the number of cases that are discovered will help us decrease spread.
As the largest employer in Sonoma County, we are encouraging all of our employees to set an example to our community members and get tested regularly. Any Sonoma County employee may get tested on County time. Employees who live in one of the designated Healthy Living Index census tracks will also receive a gift card for getting tested at their neighborhood testing site. You can find out if you live within these census tracts by going to this map that is now available on SoCoEmergency.org. We encourage all employees to visit their local health provider or one of our local testing sites to get tested.
Beginning this week, the County has doubled the number of pop-up testing opportunities that are being offered, with assurance that those tested will receive results within 48 hours. Please call (707) 565-4667 for an appointment. Testing is also available through OptumServe and Baseline at sites in Santa Rosa and Windsor. You can find more details about testing options here.
You can also help keep you and your family safe by getting the seasonal flu shot. Register online for the November 3, 2020 walk-up clinic at 2227 Capricorn Way, which is free to County employees.
Thank you for all you do to keep our community safe.
Sheryl Bratton
County Administrator