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Agricultural Division

Vineyard & Orchard Site Development (VESCO) and Agricultural Grading & Drainage

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This department administers the Sonoma County Vineyard and Orchard Site Development Ordinance, also known as VESCO, as well as Agricultural Grading and Drainage. Growers planting new vineyards, orchards or replanting existing vineyards or orchards are required to meet standards within the Sonoma County Code and comply with requirements including best management practices (BMPs) as established in the Agricultural Commissioner's BMP guidelines.

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Low Impact Vineyard Replant Registration Application

Low Impact Vineyard Replanting is an alternate pathway within VESCO allowing for the replanting of vineyards using low impact methods with the following parameters:

  • No deep ripping may take place
  • Vines may be pulled by hand or mechanical means with minimal soil disturbance
  • End posts and trellising must remain in place
  • Vineyard roads and avenues must not be altered
  • Drainage infrastructure must not be altered

In order to qualify for this registration, vineyard blocks in question must have been permitted through VESCO.  Permit history for vineyard project block(s) on the registration application must be list to be deemed complete.  Incomplete applications will not be processed.  A permit history for a parcel can be searched at

A map that clearly marks the specific vineyard block(s) to be replanted must be included.  An online mapping tool can be found at

Fees for application review, processing, and inspection(s) will be assessed at the current Land Stewardship Division hourly rate and billed by the ¼ hour.  A $50.00 fee will also be included for the filing of a CEQA Notice of Exemption with the County Clerk.

The application may be submitted electronically via email to, submitted to our front desk, or placed in the drop box located outside our office.  Please contact our office at (707) 565-2371 with any questions.

Low Impact Replant Registration Application (PDF: 355 kB)

VESCO Permit Extension Application

The VESCO Permit Extension Application process may grant an additional five years to an existing active VESCO permit.

  • Extension application must be received by Department prior to expiration of current VESCO permit.
  • Any change in ownership, engineer, or project manager must be updated on extension application.
  • 5 year extension period will begin at extension approval date.
  • Extension does not grant any changes to existing VESCO project parameters.

VESCO Permit Extension Application (PDF: 323 kB)

Fees for application review, processing, and inspection(s) will be assessed at the current Land Stewardship Division hourly rate and billed by the ¼ hour. For current hourly rate, please visit

Extension applications may be submitted electronically via email to, submitted to our front desk, or placed in the drop box located outside our office.

VESCO Permit Application Information

Please note:
Permit must be approved before any work begins. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applications submitted after September 15th may not be issued in same calendar year. An intake appointment is no longer required but can be scheduled if needed. Please call (707) 565-2371 to schedule an intake appointment.

A completed biological assessment or study of project area is required for all new vineyard and orchard plantings and vineyard and orchard replantings that are located within the designated critical habitats for California tiger salamander (Ambystoma Californiense) or California red-legged frog (Rana Draytonii).

These habitat boundaries can be viewed on the online mapper located at

Documents and Information

Vineyard/Orchard Site Development Permit Database

This database contains information on vineyard and orchard projects submitted to our office for site development. You can view information on project status, history of inspections, and related information, however you cannot apply for permits online. This information is available for current and past projects that have been submitted to our office.

Detailed instructions on how to query this data (PDF: 540 kB)


Best Management Practices and Technical Report Guidelines for New Vineyard and Orchard Development, Vineyard and Orchard Replanting, and Agricultural Grading and Drainage (VESCO)

Download a PDF of the Best Management Practices (BMP) manual used in the VESCO program as a regulatory guide.  This updated manual includes guidelines for various reports, including geologic, geotech, soils, drainage, biological, wetlands, and focused species reports as well as standard plan notes and a glossary.  This document underwent public review and has been adopted by the Agricultural Commissioner. 

VESCO BMP and Technical Report Guidelines (PDF: 3.89 MB)