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Fish and Wildlife Commission


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Guidelines for the Sonoma County Fish and Wildlife Commission Grant Program

Note: Because these grants are state money, they are subject to the state prevailing wage law which requires that prevailing wages be paid on any project defined as a "public work" project unless the project is exempt under Labor Code Section 1720.4. The grantee must pay prevailing wages to all volunteer labor used in watershed and restoration projects unless the project is exempted under the Labor Code noted above.

California Fish and Wildlife Code Section 13100 requires that funds deposited into the Sonoma County Fish and Wildlife Special Revenue Fund be distributed to deserving projects that benefit fish and wildlife. In order to be considered, project activities must be limited to one of the following:

  • Improvement of fish or wildlife habitat.
  • Public education relating to the scientific principles of fish and wildlife conservation or operation of nature study facilities.
  • Purchase and/or maintenance of materials, supplies, or equipment for either Fish and Wildlife’s ownership and/or use by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife in the normal performance of its responsibilities.
  • Scientific fish and wildlife research conducted by institutions of higher learning, qualified researchers, or governmental agencies, if approved by California Department of Fish and Wildlife Region 3 representative.
  • Temporary emergency treatment and care of injured or orphaned wildlife.
  • Temporary treatment and care of wildlife confiscated by Fish and Wildlife as evidence.
  • Breeding, raising, purchasing or releasing fish or wildlife, which are to be released upon approval of Fish and Wildlife pursuant to Sections 6400 and 6401 onto land or into waters of local, state or federal agencies or onto land or into waters open to be public.
  • Construction, maintenance, and operation of public hatchery facilities.
  • Predator control actions for the benefit of fish or wildlife following certification in writing by Fish and Wildlife that proposed actions will significantly benefit a particular wildlife species.
  • Contributions to a secret witness program for the purpose of facilitating enforcement of this code and regulations adopted pursuant to this code, as approved by Fish and Wildlife.
  • Other expenditures, approved by Fish and Wildlife, for the purpose of protecting, conserving, propagating, and preserving fish and wildlife.

Requests for funds are to be submitted in the manner prescribed in the form entitled: Sonoma County Fish and Wildlife Commission Grant Program. All sections of the funding request must be completed. Specifying a project description as “wildlife or fisheries enhancement” will not be deemed a satisfactory description.

The Sonoma County Fish and Wildlife Commission reserves the right to schedule an on-site inspection of the project during the course of the project term. Such a visit will be scheduled well in advance.

Grant Process

  • Members of the Fish and Wildlife Commission will receive a copy of each submitted application for pre-review. Commission members may ask for supplemental information on any or all projects.
  • At a regular meeting, the Fish and Wildlife Commission will formally accept submitted application and discuss it. The Fish and Wildlife Commission strongly recommends that a representative for each applicant plan to attend this meeting and be prepared to answer questions.
  • The approval process time usually requires two months. However, the Commission may require additional information, which would extend the length of the approval time.
  • Funds approved will be disbursed through the Sonoma County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office.
  • Applications must be complete and submitted to:

Grant Requests, Sonoma County Fish and Wildlife Commission
133 Aviation Boulevard, Suite 110
Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1077

Application Instructions

A grant application format has been established for your use. Your application will not be considered if the format, which is provided below, is not followed. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Applications must be typed. Please be concise, brief and to-the-point. A limited number of photographs and/or line drawings that enhance the project description may be attached. 

All grant requests must be submitted to the Sonoma County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office no less than two weeks prior to the Commission’s regular meeting. 

  • All grant requests may require the approval of the appropriate entity as requested by the Commission.
  • Two letters of recommendation in support of the project must accompany the application.
  • Under the Budget section, other funding sources must be identified. If no other sources applied for, please indicate “none”.
  • Three bids must accompany the application for purchase/rental/leasing of supplies and equipment.(The Commission strongly suggests renting or leasing of equipment be considered).

Progress Update Reports may be required during the term of the project.

Grant recipients are required to submit a Final Project Report within 60 days after completion of the project. The final report should begin with a short report summary (one to two paragraphs), a map, and one or two photos (3x5 or 4x6). These photos should be one photo of completed work and one that is representative of the project purpose along with copies of invoices that pertain to grant funds. This report may be either in written or as a presentation at a regular Commission meeting.

The applicant must comply with all terms and conditions set forth.

The Sonoma County Fish and Wildlife Commission reserves the right to schedule an on-site inspection of the project during the course of the project term. Such a visit will be scheduled well in advance.

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