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The Sonoma County Department of Agriculture will continue to survey for the presence of EGVM in 2017 in order to prevent future infestations. The deployment of over 6,000 EGVM traps throughout Sonoma County begins in February. Traps are serviced every two weeks throughout the growing season and removed in October.

We need your help – if your vineyard is gated or there is any other condition which would prevent us from placing traps on your property, please contact our office at (707) 565-2371 or email us at

Growers may place EGVM traps in their own vineyard, but they must be at least 30 meters from all other traps, otherwise they will interfere with our trapping program. If growers place traps, a PCA or UCCE will need to identify suspects. Growers can give traps with identified suspects to the Department of Agriculture. Our office will submit suspects to the state lab, but they will not be considered an official sample. If they come back positive, the Department of Agriculture will place traps in the vineyard.