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Department of Health Services

Public Forum on Homelessness (#5) - Shelter/Permanent Shelter Beds & Utilization

Published: August 21, 2024

The Sonoma County Department of Health Services will hold an online public forum on August 29 to provide an overview of homelessness in Sonoma County and the housing and shelter options available for people who are experiencing homelessness.

The Zoom webinar, which begins at 5:30 p.m., will begin with a brief overview about shelter beds, permanent shelter housing beds and how they are being utilized in Sonoma County. Michael Gause, Ending Homelessness manager, and Thai Hilton, Coordinated Entry Coordinator, will also discuss the effectiveness of housing interventions and how homeless individuals flow through the network of services created to help them.

The presentation, which will be followed by an “open forum” style Q&A session, is the fifth in a series of online forums presented by Health Services to expand public awareness of homelessness in Sonoma County.
Last January, the County’s annual Point-in-Time count identified 2,522 people experiencing homelessness, an increase of 11 percent from 2023. Of those, 945 were living in an emergency shelter or transitional housing, down 3 percent from the previous year.

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