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County Administrator's Office

For Immediate Release

Sonoma County Board of Supervisors to hold TRUTH Act forum to review Sheriff's data on ICE access

Santa Rosa,CA | February 05, 2021

Sonoma County residents are invited to participate in an online community forum to learn about the access to inmates and their information that the Sheriff’s Office provides to federal immigration authorities. This public meeting is required under a state law that went into effect in 2017.

The forum is scheduled for 3 p.m. on Tuesday, February 9, 2021. The forum, which will be a component of the Board of Supervisors’ weekly meeting, can be viewed in English from the Board Agenda Calendar, and in Spanish on YouTube

To give public comment in English or Spanish, join the meeting using Zoom: Go to Zoom meeting 
or dial + 1 (669) 900 9128
Enter meeting ID: 994 5925 7594
Enter Password: 278432

As approved by the state Legislature and signed into law by then-Gov. Jerry Brown in 2016, the TRUTH Act (also known as the Transparent Review of Unjust Transfers and Holds Act) requires local governing bodies, in which local law enforcement has provided any Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) access to an individual, to hold a community forum to receive and consider public comment. This meeting was noticed in the Press Democrat on January 9, in accordance with the law. Although the Board is legally required to hold this forum, the Board of Supervisors will not take any formal action, as the Board has no authority over policies established by the Sheriff’s Office or ICE.

Residents may view the bi-lingual board item materials in advance of the meeting.
