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November 10, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

New Sonoma Valleystorage facility with solar system, built through county financing program, tocelebrate opening

A new storage business, powered by solar panels and financed through Sonoma County’s Energy Independence Program, has opened in Sonoma Valley. Read full story

November 09, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Una nueva orden de salud del Condado de Sonoma les exige la vacuna contrala influenza a los trabajadores en cuidados para adultosmayores y cuidadosen casa

La Oficial de Salud del Condado de Sonoma, Dra. Sundari Mase, ha aumentado el alcance de una orden de salud del 1o de octubre para exigirles a los trabajadores en ciertos cuidados de salud e instalaciones grupales, que se vacunen contra la influenza. Read full story

November 09, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

New Sonoma County health orderrequires flu shots for senior care and in-home care workers

Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase hasexpanded the scope of an Oct. 1 health order requiring workers at certainhealth care and congregate facilities to get vaccinated against influenza. Read full story

November 09, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County Chanate Campus Auction Complete

Sonoma County received nine sealed bids for the 71-acre county-owned Chanate Campus, followed by a round of oral bids in an online auction. Read full story

November 08, 2021 | Office of the District Attorney

<p>Sonoma County District Attorney Settles Consumer Protection Lawsuit Against Yeezy Apparel Companies</p>

<p>Sonoma County District Attorney Jill Ravitch today announcedthat her office, together with the District Attorneys of Alameda, Los Angeles,and Napa Counties, settled a consumer protection lawsuit against Yeezy ApparelLLC and Yeezy LLC, California companies engaged in the online sales of sneakersand clothing. </p> Read full story

November 08, 2021 | Permit Sonoma

Permit Sonoma seeks members for Housing Advisory Group toadvise staff for the housing element

Permit Sonoma announced today that it will begin receiving applications for a 15-member Housing Advisory Committee that will advise the department as it updates the Housing Element of the county General Plan. Read full story

November 08, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma emite lineamientos por la COVID-19 para las reuniones y los viajes en los días festivos

La gente que está planeando viajar y asistir a reuniones en los próximos días festivos, debe de tomar acciones ahora para protegerse a sí mismos de la COVID-19 y asegurarse de que tienen los documentos que exigen ciertos destinos, aerolíneas y eventos para poder comprobar que están vacunados o su estatus en las pruebas. Read full story

November 08, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County issues COVID-19 guidancefor holiday gatherings, travel

People planning to travel and attend gatherings over the upcomingholidays should take steps now to protect themselves from COVID-19 and ensurethey have proper documents required by some destinations, airlines and eventsto prove their vaccination or testing status. Read full story

November 08, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Permit Sonoma seeks members for Housing Advisory Group to advise staff for the housing element

Permit Sonoma announced today that it will begin receiving applications for a 15-member Housing Advisory Committee that will advise the department as it updates the Housing Element of the countyGeneral Plan. Read full story

November 05, 2021 | Office of the District Attorney

<p>Man Sentenced to 36Years in Prison for Child Molestation </p>

<span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">Defendant Juan Lucas-Antonio, 38 years old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced yesterday afternoon by the Honorable Christopher Honigsberg to serve 36 years in state prison after pleading “no contest” in June of this year to felony charges of committing forcible lewd and lascivious acts upon minors under the age of 14 years old. </span> Read full story