View All County Press Releases
November 10, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
Sonoma County secures housing for vulnerable homeless individuals
Today the Board ofSupervisors approved the purchase of Hotel Azura in Santa Rosa using $7.95million in funds supplied by the state through the Project Homekey program Read full story
November 09, 2020 | Sonoma County Regional Parks
Sonoma County Regional Parks purchases 500 acres near Monte Rio
Sonoma County Regional Parks has acquired more than 500 acres in Monte Rio through a collaborative effort to preserve critical coastal range forest and create a diverse trail system in what will be the first regional park for this part of the county. Read full story
November 09, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
Sonoma County health officials issue Freeze Warning & Frost Advisory
The County of Sonoma is issuing a freeze warning and frost advisory in response to the National Weather Service’s prediction for freezing overnight lows expected through Tuesday morning at 9 a.m Read full story
November 06, 2020 | Office of the District Attorney
Former Sonoma CountySheriff’s Deputy Indicted by Grand Jury for Use of Excessive Force
Today anIndictment by a Sonoma County Criminal Grand Jury was unsealed charging formerSheriff’s Deputy Charlie Blount with two felony charges for his role in thedeath of David Glen Ward, which occurred on November 27, 2019. Read full story
November 06, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
El Condado de Sonoma invita al público atomar parte en la formación de sus prioridades
¿Quisiera usted que el Condado de Sonoma invirtiera más en proyectos para reducir los gases producidos por el efecto invernadero? ¿Cree usted que el Condado está dedicando no suficientes o quizá demasiados recursos a reducir la falta de vivienda de las personas sin hogar? ¿Dónde le gustaría ver al Condado en cuanto al desarrollo de viviendas dentro de cinco años? Read full story
November 06, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
Fire Debris Removal Training forContractors and Debris Haulers
Residents returning to areas burned in the Meyers and Walbridge fires should stop at controlled entry checkpoints (called Commodity Points of Distribution or CPODs) operated by the County of Sonoma to receive critical safety information and equipment. To ensure that only residents enter the burned areas, staff will verify residents’ addresses. Read full story
November 06, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
Public invited to take part in shaping Sonoma County’s priorities
Would you like to see Sonoma County invest more in projects toreduce greenhouse gas? Do you think too few or perhaps too many Countyresources are being put toward reducing homelessness? Where would you like tosee the County be in terms of housing development five years from now? Read full story
November 05, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
El formulario de derecho a entrada para la 2da etapa del Programa Consolidado de Recolección de Escombros estatal ya está disponible
Los sobrevivientes de los incendios del Condado de Sonoma que tengan propiedades residenciales que hayan sido destruidas o dañadas considerablemente por los Incendios Read full story
November 05, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
Centro de Admisión Móvil de Respuesta de FEMA abre el viernes 6 de noviembre para el Incendio Glass
La Agencia Federal para Gestión de Emergencias (“Federal Emergency Management Agency” o FEMA) abrirá un Centro de Admisión Móvil de Respuesta, el viernes 6 de noviembre en Maria Carrillo High School, 6975 Montecito Blvd, Santa Rosa, para dar apoyo personalizado a los sobrevivientes de Glass Fire con su inscripción para recibir asistencia federal para desastres. Read full story
November 05, 2020 | County Administrator's Office
Right of Entry Form for Phase 2 of State’s Consolidated Debris RemovalProgram Now Available
Sonoma County fire survivors who have residential property that was destroyed or significantly damaged by the Walbridge, Meyers or Glass fires have the ability to access Phase 2 of the Consolidated Fire Debris Removal Program being offered by the State of California to ensure properties are left free of hazardous waste and debris Read full story