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April 16, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Caregivers Offered Free, LGBT+ OlderAdults Awareness Trainings in May and June

Sonoma County caregivers can earn $25 and become certified to care for older and disabled adults at free, LGBT+ Awareness Trainings in May and June. The four-hour classes help improve caregivers’ skills when working with two often hidden and underserved populations, LGBT+ older adults and LGBT+ adults with disabilities. Read full story

April 12, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Dr. Celeste Philip Appointed Health Officer for SonomaCounty

This week Dr.Celeste Philip, MD, MPH, began serving as the County’s Health Officer after theBoard of Supervisors appointed her following an extensive nationwide search. Read full story

April 10, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney

Guerneville Man Sentenced to 9 Months Jail for Homophobic Hate Crime

On Wednesday morning,The Honorable Peter Ottenweller sentenced defendant Vincent O’Sullivan to serve9 months in jail for a criminal threat constituting a hate crime whichO’Sullivan made in May of 2018. Read full story

April 08, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney

April 7-13 is NationalCrime Victims’ Rights Week

OnApril 2, 2019 the Board of Supervisors approved a Gold Resolution proclaimingNational Crime Victims’ Rights Week, which is commemorated April 7–13, 2019. Read full story

April 08, 2019 | Natural Resources

Groundwater Users Registration Program and GroundwaterSustainability Fee under consideration in Santa Rosa Plain

On Thursday, April 11, the Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) Board of Directors will consider an ordinance to allow groundwater users to be registered and would authorize the GSA to adopt a groundwater sustainability fee. Read full story

April 07, 2019 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

New Public Education Campaign Targets Speeding Carsand Aggressive Driving

The County of Sonoma Department ofTransportation and Public Works (TPW) today announced the second element of anew traffic calming program in response to recent fatalities and concerns amongTPW officials and County residents about unsafe and aggressive driving. The newtactic involves the placement of three separate and straightforward warningsigns, “Don’t Kill”, “Don’t Die”, and “Slow Down” along road segments that areknown trouble spots. The measure follows the acquisition and deployment of a radar feedback sign trailerCountywide in response to community concerns. Read full story

April 03, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney

Environmental ViolationsResults in $245,000 Civil Judgment forCannabis Cultivation

District Attorney Jill Ravitch announced that defendantsBlack Mountain Developers LLC, Darryl Crawford, Cold Creek Group Inc., and ClintGerber have resolved a civil environmental enforcement action with theEnvironmental and Consumer Law Division of the Sonoma County DistrictAttorney’s Office. Read full story

April 02, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney

Convicted Child Molester Denied Parole

CaliforniaDepartment of Corrections and Rehabilitation inmate Nathan Stephens, 60 yearsold previously of Santa Rosa, was given a five year denial of parole bythe State of California Board of Parole Hearings following a hearing on March26, 2019 at Avenal State Prison, in Avenal California. Read full story

April 02, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney

Convicted Sex Offender Larry Jones Denied Parole

California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitationinmate Larry Jones, 65 years old of Santa Rosa, was given a seven year denialof parole by the State of California Board of Parole Hearings following ahearing on March 27, 2019 at the Salinas Valley State Prison in SoledadCalifornia. Read full story

April 02, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Los Beneficios de CalFresh llegan el 1 de mayo; Los beneficios de abril fueron añadidos en marzo

Los Beneficios de CalFresh llegan el 1 de mayo; Los beneficios de abril fueron añadidos en marzo. Read full story