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October 17, 2018 | Office of the District Attorney

SantaRosa Man Sentenced to 7 years 8 Months for Possession of 12 Pounds ofMethamphetamine

DefendantErsain Alcantar-Reyes, 21 years old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced today by theHonorable Robert LaForge to serve seven years eight months in state prison afterpleading no contest in August to a charge of possession of methamphetamine forsale. Read full story

October 17, 2018 | Office of the District Attorney

Petaluma Man Enters Guilty Plea to Attempted Robbery and Possession of Stolen Property Charge for Stipulated Prison Term

Defendant RandyAnthony Solares, 27 years old of Petaluma, pled guilty earlier today in frontof the Honorable Dana Simmonds to felony charges of attempted robbery involvingthe use of a weapon, and felony possession of stolen property. Read full story

October 14, 2018 | Board of Supervisors Department

Sonoma County Prepares to Notify Residents of Upcoming PG&E Power Shut-Off Due Extreme Weather Conditions

Sonoma County officials are prepared to notify residents who will likely be impacted by PG&E’s planned power shut-off this evening, due to extreme weather conditions. PG&E estimates that around 400 customers in Sonoma County will be impacted by a power shut-off. Read full story

October 13, 2018 | Board of Supervisors Department

Sonoma County Responds to PG&E’sPotential Power Shut-Off With Advanced Preparation

Thisafternoon, the County of Sonoma acted promptly to prepare for the potentialshut down of PG&E power to areas of Sonoma County. Read full story

October 11, 2018 | Department of Human Services

State Honors Sonoma County Foster Parents and Social Worker

Santa Rosa residents Kim and Scott Streeter were named California Foster Parents of the Year. Read full story

October 09, 2018 | Sonoma County Regional Parks

Tolay Lake Regional Park to Open Daily October 27, 2018

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors on Oct. 9, 2018 approved the Tolay Lake Regional Park master plan, an action that allows the county’s largest park to open daily. Read full story

October 09, 2018 | Board of Supervisors Department

Tolay Lake Regional Park: Master Plan Approved, Park will Open Seven Days a Week

The SonomaCounty Board of Supervisors today approved the Tolay Lake Regional Park masterplan, an action that allows the county’s largest park to open daily later thismonth. Read full story

October 06, 2018 | Natural Resources

Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership Wins National Awards for its Training, Outreach and Education Programs

The Sonoma-Marin Water Saving Partnership (Partnership), a group of North Bay water utilities, has once again been recognized with national awards for its water-saving efforts. Read full story

October 06, 2018 | Natural Resources

Value of Fire Cameras Highlighted in Detectionand Suppression of Wildland Fire East of Geyserville

Two months after the directors of Sonoma Water and theBoard of Supervisors agreed to fund a pilot project of fire cameras to provideearly detection of wildfires, the nascent network of fire-detecting apparatusdemonstrated its value when a camera atop Geyser Peak spotted a recentlyignited fire and allowed firefighters to locate and quickly suppress the blaze. Read full story

October 05, 2018 | Office of the District Attorney

Cloverdale Man Sentenced To Ten Years In Prison For Elder Theft

DefendantTheodore Smith Hudson III, 54 years old of Cloverdale, was sentenced today toten years in state prison by the Honorable Julie Conger following a two-month-longMay trial in which a Sonoma County jury found Hudson guilty of nine counts oftheft from an elder adult. Read full story