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December 26, 2018 | Permit Sonoma

Ayudenos a Encontrar Sitios de Vivienda

A medida que el Condado continúa nuestra iniciativa de producir más viviendas, necesitamos su ayuda para encontrar sitios. Si los sitios cumplen con nuestro criterio, trabajaremos con el propietario y la comunidad para modificar la densidad con una revisión deldiseño para garantizar la calidad y la compatibilidad de la comunidad. Read full story

December 24, 2018 | Office of the District Attorney

Jury Finds Repeat DUI Offender Guilty of Murder in Fatal Lakeville Crash

Jury Finds Repeat DUI Offender Guilty of Murder in Fatal Lakeville Crash Read full story

December 21, 2018 | Office of the District Attorney Operators Ordered to Pay $300,000 for False Advertising Violations Operators Ordered to Pay $300,000 for False Advertising Violations Santa Rosa CA DistrictAttorney Jill Ravitch announced today. Read full story

December 20, 2018 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

TSA Pre✓® Enrollment Event at Airport (STS)

2018-12-20 false Immediate TSA Pre✓ ® Enrollment Event at Airport (STS) Santa Rosa CA Travelers seeking expedited security lines and less hassle at all U.S. airports are encouraged to enroll in the TSA Pre✓® program. IdentoGO®, mobile provider of the TSA Pre✓® program, will be at the Cha Read full story

December 19, 2018 | Office of the District Attorney

Man Sentenced To 13 Years For Sex Crimes

Defendant BrentSpivey, 24 years old of Walnut, California, was sentenced today by theHonorable Jamie Thistlethwaite to 13 years in prison for numerous sex crimes hecommitted against a 13-year old Sonoma County girl. Read full story

December 18, 2018 | Department of Human Services

Free Advance Care Planning Workshop in Santa Rosa

Start your year with peace of mind: Resolve to complete your advance health care directive <i>pronto!</i> That way, your priorities will guide treatment decisions should you have a medical emergency. For even greater peace of mind, get your friends and family to complete theirs, too. Read full story

December 17, 2018 | Board of Supervisors Department

Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Approves the Creation of Hundreds of Affordable Homes

In a significant step towards addressing Sonoma County’s housing crisis, last Tuesday the Board of Supervisors approved a series of actions that will result in the creation of 618 new units of affordable housing over the next three years. Read full story

December 17, 2018 | Community Development Commission

Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Approves the Creation of Hundreds of Affordable Homes

In a significant step towards addressing Sonoma County’s housing crisis, last Tuesday the Board of Supervisors approved a series of actions that will result in the creation of 618 new units of affordable housing over the next three years. Read full story

December 17, 2018 | Natural Resources

FloodingLikely in Low-Lying Areas of Jenner

Flooding is likely inlow-lying areas near Jenner tonight and into Monday, due to waters rapidlyrising in the Russian River estuary (where the river flows into the PacificOcean). Water surface elevations in the estuary are currently approximately 10feet above sea level. Read full story

December 17, 2018 | Natural Resources

Russian River Mouth Open; Water Levels Dropping

The mouth of the Russian River opened on its own at about 9:30 p.m., Sunday, December 16. The water surface elevation is currently about six feet above sea level, and no longer presents a flooding threat to low-lying areas of Jenner. Read full story