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February 02, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

Board ofSupervisors allocates $10 million in funding for Strategic Plan and climate action priorities

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors today approved $10 million in funding for projects that aligned with the county’s five-year 2021-2026 Strategic Plan and that promoted climate action and resiliency efforts. Each of the Strategic Plan projects that were funded using the $5 million set aside from the 2021 budget hearings fell under one of five strategic pillars. The five pillars are Healthy and Safe Communities, Organizational Excellence, Racial Equity and Social Justice, Climate Action and Resiliency, and Resilient Infrastructure. Read full story

January 27, 2022 | Permit Sonoma

Environmental impact study next steps for Sonoma Developmental Center

Permit Sonoma, Sonoma County’s planning agency, presented the project description framework to guide the redevelopment of Sonoma Developmental Center during this week’s meeting of the Board of Supervisors. The proposed framework incorporated aspects of the three alternatives previously presented to the public on November 1, 2021, as well as feedback from two community workshops with over 250 participants, five community meetings and an online survey with over 720 entries. Read full story

January 27, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma aclara la orden de salud que permite 50 espectadores eneventos en interiores

Con los casos de COVID-19 reduciéndose después del reciente pico, la Oficial de Salud del Condado de Sonoma, Dra. Sundari Mase, aclaró el día de hoy una reciente orden de salud que limitaba los eventos públicos en interiores a 50 personas. A partir de hoy, los eventos en interiores pueden incluir a 50 espectadores. El número total de asistentes no incluye al personal involucrado en el evento, medios, jugadores o intérpretes. Read full story

January 27, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County clarifies health order to allow 50spectators at indoor events

With COVID-19 cases declining from a recent surge, Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase today clarified a recent health order that limited indoor public events to 50 people. As of today, indoor events can include 50 spectators. The total number of attendees does not include staff involved with the event, media, players or performers. Read full story

January 26, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

El Retrato del Condado de Sonoma 2021 revela imágenes mezcladas: un repunte general en el bienestar y desigualdades más profundas

Un nuevo reporte mayor fue publicado hoy, la actualización del Retrato del Condado deSonoma 2021, entrega imágenes mezcladas de la salud y el bienestar en elcondado. Como un todo, la gente en el Condado de Sonoma vive más, gana másdinero, continua en la escuela y obtiene grados universitarios a tasas másaltas que otros condados a lo largo de California y de los Estados Unidos. Sinembargo, el reporte también revela condiciones muy variadas en la salud y elbienestar para muchas personas y vecindarios en el Condado de Sonoma. Read full story

January 26, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County commits $9 million to unify and improve fire services

The Board of Supervisors voted unanimously today to approve a landmark series of agreements intended to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of fire services in Sonoma County by consolidating fire agencies and revamping the way they are funded. As part of these agreements, the Board of Supervisors is committing $9 million to help unify and improve fire protection and emergency response services provided by independent fire agencies in unincorporated areas of the county. Read full story

January 26, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

Portrait of Sonoma County 2021 revealsmixed picture: overalluptick in well-being and deepening inequities

A major new report released today, A Portrait of Sonoma County 2021 Update, delivers a mixed picture of health and well-being in the county. Taken as a whole, people in Sonoma County live longer, earn more money, stay in school and earn college degrees at higher rates than in other counties across California and the United States. Yet the report also reveals widely varying conditions of health and well-being for many people and neighborhoods in Sonoma County. Read full story

January 25, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonomaanuncia clínicas de vacunación contra la COVID-19, en los Terrenos de la Feria del Condado deSonoma

El Condado de Sonoma va a incrementar el acceso a las vacunas pediátricas y para adultos contra la COVID-19, y a los refuerzos, a través de una serie de clínicas de vacunación de alto volumen en los Terrenos de la Feria del Condado de Sonoma a partir del sábado. Hasta 500 vacunas se podrán administrar al día en estas clínicas, que serán ofrecidas en el Edificio Garrett en el campus de los Terrenos de la Feria. Las clínicas tendrán verificativo los sábados y los domingos en cada uno de los siguientes cuatro fines de semana, enero 29-30 y febrero 5-6, 12-13, y 19-20 de las 9 a.m. a las 4 p.m. Read full story

January 25, 2022 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County announcesfour weekend COVID-19 vaccine clinics at Sonoma CountyFairgrounds

The County of Sonoma will expand access to pediatric andadult COVID-19 vaccines and boosters through a series of large-scale vaccineclinics at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds starting Saturday. Up to 500 vaccinescan be administered per day at these clinics, which will be held in the GarrettBuilding on the Fairgrounds campus. Clinics will be held  Saturday andSunday for each of the next four weekends, Jan. 29-30 and Feb. 5-6, 12-13, and19-20 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Read full story

January 24, 2022 | Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters

California Secretary of State approves Sonoma County’s transition to new election model

Sonoma County Registrar of Voters Deva Marie Proto announced today that the California Secretary of State’s Office has approved the County of Sonoma’s plan to conduct future elections under the Voter’s Choice Act election model. Sonoma County previously conducted most elections using a traditional polling place model. Read full story