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County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for April 15, 2022

Published: April 15, 2022

With COVID-19 cases increasing slightly this week in Sonoma County, local health officials are reminding the public that booster shots are available to those age 50 or older, or immunocompromised, and are critical to our collective path forward in creating healthier and safer neighborhoods and communities.

Related, the California Department of Public Health recently updated its guidelines for isolation and quarantine following a COVID-19 exposure. The new guidelines include removal of the quarantine recommendations for an asymptomatic exposed person, new recommendations for work restriction in certain high-risk settings, and an updated definition for close contact and infectious period.

Updated CDPH guidelines are available here:

People who are unvaccinated in Sonoma County are 2.8 times as likely to be infected, 16.2 times more likely to be hospitalized if they get COVID, and 11.3 times more likely to die than those who are vaccinated.

Sonoma County COVID-19 data and statistics are available here:

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. Local COVID vaccine and testing opportunities
  2. Public transit mask mandate extended
  3. Other County of Sonoma news of note

Local Vaccine & Testing Opportunities

Vaccination and testing clinics are being held throughout the county to serve people who do not have convenient or affordable access to healthcare providers.

Visit the Sonoma County Office of Education to learn about clinics for students and families:

View the county’s vaccine clinics and appointment page here:

For details or appointments at COVID-19 testing clinics, including a pop-up testing calendar, please visit:

Residents who test positive using an at-home antigen test are urged to report the result by calling the county’s COVID hotline at (707) 565-4667 (4701 in Spanish). Anyone who needs help making a vaccination or testing appointment may also contact the hotline.

Public Transit Mask Mandate Extended

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it would extend the federal transportation mask requirement for two weeks. The mask mandate is now set to expire on May 3, the agency said.

The CDC cited the spread of the omicron subvariant BA.2, which now makes up more than 85 percent of new U.S. virus cases. Sonoma County has detected 34 total cases of BA.2.

The mandate applies to all passengers of Sonoma County Transit and Paratransit.

Visit Sonoma County Transit here:

Other County of Snoma News

Sonoma County vaccine video contest accepting entries until May 9

Charles M. Schulz — Sonoma County Airport hosts local leaders, officials for ‘Topping Off’ of modernized terminal building

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