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County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for December 9, 2022

Published: December 09, 2022

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. Wind advisory, gale watch in effect this weekend
  2. Zero Waste Sonoma free upcoming drop-off events
  3. Other Sonoma County news

Prepare for Strong Winds, Heavy Rainfall, Cold Temperatures this Weekend

As the rain continues, a stronger weather front will be moving through Sonoma County late Friday into Saturday, with potential for heavy rainfall and gusty winds. The National Weather Service issued a Wind Advisory with the strongest winds expected to reach 35-45 mph in higher elevations and at the coast.

Now is the time to make sure your gutters and storm drains are clear if you haven't already and turn off your irrigation system. Plus, don’t forget to secure loose outdoor items and structures, prepare for possible power outages, and drive safely.

Cold temperatures are also continuing. Residents should limit time outdoors, as serious medical conditions including hypothermia and frostbite can develop with prolonged cold weather exposure.

For information on preparing for extreme cold including a list of winter shelters, please visit:

Zero Waste Sonoma Upcoming Drop-Off Events

Zero Waste Sonoma is hosting another Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection event in Petaluma on Tuesday, Dec. 13 from 4-8 p.m.

Sonoma County residents may bring their unused and unwanted HHW items such as paint, fertilizers, batteries, fluorescent lamps, sharps, or antifreeze to name a few.

The address will be provided when you make your appointment. This event is FREE for residents; qualifying small businesses may also participate for a fee.


State transportation laws limit each vehicle to a maximum of 15 gallons of liquid (with a maximum of 5 gallons per container) or 125 pounds of solid material. Never mix chemicals. Place in sealed containers in the trunk, packed to prevent spills. Syringes/needles must be in a sealed and labeled approved container.

For examples of common types of HHW or for information about other disposal opportunities, visit:

For a full calendar of events, please visit:

Zero Waste Sonoma is also hosting a free Electronics (E-Waste) Recycling event this Friday through Sunday, Dec. 9-11 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Lucchesi Park, 320 N. McDowell Blvd., in Petaluma.

As a public service, Zero Waste Sonoma has partnered with Conservation Corps North Bay to host this free e-waste event. The event will be held in the parking lot and no appointment is necessary.

Accepted items include working and non-working TVs, office equipment, cell phones, tablets, printers, computers, laptops, stereos, game consoles, microwaves, cords, etc. (Not accepting appliances, batteries, or light bulbs).

For more information, please visit:, or call the Eco-Desk at (707) 565-DESK (3375).

Zero Waste Sonoma is also known as the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency (SCWMA). The agency is the joint powers authority of the nine incorporated cities and the County of Sonoma. 

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