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County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for May 27, 2022

Published: May 27, 2022

The escalating surge in COVID-19 cases in Sonoma County has brought our daily case rate to 43.9 per 100,000 population, which is higher than during the Delta variant surge late last summer. The county is averaging about 2,182 tests a day, although that doesn’t include all the at-home rapid tests being used.

Fortunately, COVID-19 vaccine boosters are approved for anyone 5 and older, which is the best protection against the newest coronavirus variants.

In Sonoma County, free booster shots are available regardless of citizenship status or health insurance. Get one wherever COVID-19 vaccines are administered, including primary health care providers, pharmacies and clinics. Most providers accept walk-in patients.

A list of vaccine providers can be found here:

Appointments for boosters for age 5 – 11 can be made here:

People who are unvaccinated in Sonoma County are 3.2 times as likely to be infected, 18.8 times more likely to be hospitalized if they get COVID-19, and 12.8 times more likely to die than those who are vaccinated.

There were 32 COVID-related hospitalizations in the county as of Monday. Four of those COVID patients were in the ICU. There have been a total of 492 COVID-related deaths reported here since the start of the pandemic.

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. What to do if you contract COVID-19
  2. Local COVID-19 vaccine and testing opportunities
  3. Other County of Sonoma news of note

What to Do If you Contract COVID-19

All persons with COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of vaccination status or previous infection, should
self-isolate and test as soon as possible to determine infection status.

Knowing one is infected early during self-isolation enables (a) earlier access to treatment options, if indicated (especially for those that may be at risk for severe illness), and (b) notification of exposed persons (close contacts) who may also benefit by knowing if they are infected.

For symptomatic persons who have tested positive within the previous 90 days, using an antigen test is preferred. Remain in isolation while waiting for testing results. If not tested, continue isolating for 10 days after the day of symptom onset, and if isolatation is not possible, wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days.

Consider continuing self-isolation and retesting in 1-2 days if testing negative with an antigen test, particularly if tested during the first 1-2 days of symptoms. Continue to self-isolate if test result is positive and contact a healthcare provider about available treatments if symptoms are severe or at high risk for serious disease.

Learn more about isolation and quarantine recommendations:

As a reminder, all Americans are now eligible for a third round of free COVID tests shipped to your address, available for order here:

Local Vaccine & Testing Opportunities

Vaccination and testing clinics are being held throughout the county to serve people who do not have convenient or affordable access to healthcare providers.

Visit the Sonoma County Office of Education to learn about clinics for students and families:

View the county’s vaccine clinics and appointment page here:

Testing appointments are still recommended but more testing sites now can accommodate walk-ins.

For details or appointments at COVID-19 testing clinics, including a pop-up testing calendar, please visit:

Residents who test positive using an at-home antigen test are urged to report the result by calling the county’s COVID hotline at (707) 565-4667 (4701 in Spanish). Anyone who needs help making a vaccination or testing appointment may also contact the hotline.

Other County of Sonoma News

Board of Supervisors approve $39 million in ARPA funding for 27 community proposals

County completes $660,000 in renovations to Cloverdale swimming pool

Board approves $14.4 million to address homelessness and housing in Sonoma County

Sonoma County collects over $500,000 in sales tax funds for behavioral health, homelessness

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