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County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for October 21, 2022

Published: October 21, 2022

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. Reminder: Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8
  2. Flu vaccine required for health care workers
  3. Latest news from County of Sonoma

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8

Sonoma County voter information guides and official ballots for the upcoming General Election have been mailed and official ballot drop boxes are NOW open through election day, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m.

To find a drop box near you, please visit:

To learn more, please visit:

Flue Vaccine Required for Health Workers

Sonoma County health officials issued a health order this week requiring workers at certain health care and congregate facilities to get vaccinated against influenza. 

The flu vaccine requirement applies to all workers who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or residents. Workers include nurses, physicians, technicians, therapists, and pharmacists at such facilities as acute care hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, psychiatric hospitals, dialysis centers, dental offices and others.

The order takes effect Nov. 1, and workers must comply by Nov. 30. Anyone granted an exemption must always wear a surgical mask or respirator while in indoor work settings.

Health officials also strongly recommend that the public, including first responders, get the flu vaccine this flu season. First responders who decline to get the influenza vaccine are encouraged to wear a medical-grade mask when interacting with the public or while working indoors.

Flu vaccines are widely available through primary health care providers, health clinics, pharmacies and some COVID vaccine clinics.

Read the full press release here:

Latest News from County of Sonoma

Board of Supervisors seeks community input regarding proposed change to lodging industry assessment

Permit Sonoma releases final redevelopment plans for Sonoma Developmental Center

Public invited to shape future Mark West Creek Regional Park and Open Space Preserve 

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