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Weekly Roundup for September 23, 2022

Published: September 23, 2022

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. Reminder: September is National Preparedness Month
  2. 2022 Fall Economic Perspective Sept. 30
  3. Watch: Well Ordinance Town Hall
  4. Latest news from County of Sonoma

September is National Preparedness Month

Last week’s earthquake reminded us that no one can predict when or where an earthquake will strike. In honor of National Preparedness month, consider following these simple steps:

  • Download the MyShake app to receive alerts:
  • Secure bookcases, televisions and objects that hang on walls.
  • Store heavy and breakable objects on low shelves.
  • Practice drop, cover, hold with family and coworkers.
  • Create a family communications plan that has an out-of-county contact.
  • Plan where to meet if you get separated. Choose a location close to home and one at a central location nearby work and school.
  • Have a home emergency kit with everything you need for seven days. 

More on earthquake preparedness:

Plus, when creating an emergency and evacuation plan, remember your feathery or furry friends to help reduce the stress of leaving your home in a hurry.

Some ideas of what to include in your pet go bag:

  •  Food, water and treats
  • Favorite toy
  • Extra collar and leash
  • Vaccination records
  • Medication
  • Doggie bags or litter pan
  • Bedding 

Have a go-bag ready:

Finally, KNOW YOUR ZONE! Evacuation zones are pre-determined geographic areas that are used to efficiently evacuate residents during large-scale disasters.

How do you find your zone? Just enter your address in the search box here:

Be sure to write down your evacuation zone number and keep it handy.

Sign up for emergency alerts here:

For more emergency preparedness information, please visit:

2022 Fall Economic Perspective Sept. 30

Time is running out to register for the Economic Development Board’s annual Fall Economic Perspective on Sept. 30, where you can learn how the Sonoma County economy is impacted by state, national and international trends.

This year, economist Claudia Sahm, who has advised the Federal Reserve, White House and Congress on monetary and fiscal policy, will present “Navigating an Uncertain Economy”.  The breakfast conference, which runs from 7:30 a.m. – 9 a.m., will be held at the Flamingo Resort in Santa Rosa. Tickets are $70 and advance registration is required.

Details and registration:

Watch: Well Ordinance Town Hall

Permit Sonoma this week held a Well Ordinance informational Town Hall, which included a presentation from well experts on proposed updates to the ordinance, as well as community questions and answers.

Watch it here:

Latest News from County of Sonoma

Sonoma Water is visiting classrooms, shipping free materials, and hosting students at the Sonoma Water Education Center to learn about the vital role of water and energy in our communities.

Learn more about free drought education programs:

In honor of Suicide Prevention Month, join Sonoma County Department of Health Services for a FREE viewing of the documentary, “THE S WORD” on Thurs., Sept. 29 at 4 p.m. in Finley Person Auditorium in Santa Rosa. The film will be followed by panel discussion and a 988 informational presentation by Buckelew’s North Bay Suicide Prevention.

Register for in-person attendance:

Register for virtual attendance:  

The documentary will be in English with Spanish subtitles. To learn more, please visit:

Sonoma County to host Induction Cooking Expo

Board of Supervisors approve community engagement and language access agreements

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