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Human Resources Department

Employee & Volunteer Engagement & Recognition (EVER)

17th Annual Day of Caring Event

Published: June 27, 2017

Fun in the Sun

County of Sonoma and City of Santa Rosa employees will join forces on Wednesday, September 13, 2017, for the 17th annual Day of Caring event! Employees will participate in a day of service, working on a variety of projects ranging from painting, gardening, park trail work, packaging items at a food bank, graffiti removal and more. We will be focusing on projects that support homeless and affordable housing initiatives.

We are currently accepting projects from non-profit partners of the County and City; please review the  Project Guidelines, for criteria.  Project Applications(PDF: 158kB) will be accepted through July 7, 2017.

County of Sonoma and City of Santa Rosa employees are invited to participate on a Day of Caring team. We hope for more than 400 participants from both the County and City of Santa Rosa employees. Enjoy a morning rally with light breakfast, coffee, music, and fun before you leave for your project. You will receive a commemorative Day of Caring T-shirt and enjoy a day of work with other County and City employees.

Complete and return the  Employee Participation Form (PDF: 166kB) by July 19, 2017.

Both Employee Participation Forms and Project Applications can be emailed to  Sylvia Lemus.