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Employee Flu Clinic Starts October 26, 2016

Published: October 13, 2016

Flu ShotWith cold and flu season fast approaching it’s important to plan ahead to avoid spending several days in bed sniffling, coughing, and running a fever. The single best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated each year. Through the month of November, the County of Sonoma will be providing vaccinations for the 2016 seasonal influenza at no cost to regular, part-time, extra help, interns, volunteers, and contract employees of the County of Sonoma and the Superior Court.  

County employees who are Kaiser members will need to provide their Medical Record Number (located on their Kaiser Member Card) in order to have this vaccination entered in their Kaiser medical history.

2016 Employee Flu Clinic Schedule

5 Ways to Fight the Flu!

More information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)