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Board of Supervisors Department

Petaluma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency Advisory Committee

Membership and Terms

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The Advisory Council consists of ten (10) members.  Five (5) are selected by the governing boards of the agencies that are party to the Joint Powers Agreement.  An additional five (5) seats are selected by the Agency Board to represent interests including environmental interests, rural residential interests, business community interests, and agricultural interests, as well as an at large community representative.

If you are interested in applying for the Board of Supervisors or Sonoma County Water Agency Board of Directors appointed seats, you may fill out the application on this page.  If you are interested in applying for a seat from one of the other member agencies, please contact that agency directly.  Information on the Agency Board-appointed seats can be found at:

Membership Term

Two Years, may be reappointed

Past and present Chair and Vice Chair

ChairVice ChairYear
TBD TBD 2017
TBD TBD 2018
TBD TBD 2019
TBD TBD 2020