Board of Supervisors Department
News Index
January 28, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
UCCE Sonoma County surveys livestock producers foremergency needs
In an effort to coordinate safe and efficient animal evacuation in the face of a community emergency or disaster, University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) in Sonoma County is asking poultry and livestock producers to complete a survey of their needs. Their input will inform UCCE and the County of Sonoma departments, local agencies, and private organizations as they develop evacuation plans for rapid deployment of services. Read full story
January 27, 2021 | Board of Supervisors Department
KSRO - Recap of The Board of Supervisors Meeting
KSRO speaks with Lynda Hopkins, 5th District Supervisor, about last night’s Board of Supervisors meeting, renters protections, paid leave & vaccine distribution. Read full story
January 27, 2021 | Department of Emergency Management
Sonoma OA Burn Area Contingency Plan Nov 2020
This document establishes a uniform plan for a joint response by local governments, special districts, and allied agencies in the Sonoma County Operational Area to the threat of or actual soil movement in areas burned in recent wildfires. This is a supporting plan to the Sonoma County Operational Area Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). Read full story
January 27, 2021 | Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach
Recruitment open for Law Enforcement Auditor I or II
IOLERO is currently recruiting to fill a Law Enforcement Auditor position at either the I or II level. If you are an experienced, CA licensed attorney please refer to the Law Enforcement Auditor II recruitment that we are currently conducting. Read full story
January 26, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Sonoma County health officials issue freeze warning
The County of Sonoma is issuing a freeze warning in response to the National Weather Service’s (NWS) prediction for freezing overnight lows expected through Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. NWS has also issued a Flash Flood Watch for the region Tuesday at 4 p.m. through Thursday at 4 p.m., and a High Wind Watch for Tuesday at 7 p.m. through Wednesday at 10 a.m. Read full story
January 26, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Los oficiales de salud del Condado de Sonoma emiten una Alerta de Helada
El Condado de Sonoma está emitiendo un alerta de helada en respuesta al pronóstico del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS) de que las temperaturas bajas provocarán una helada hasta las 9 a.m. del martes. El NWS también emitió un alerta de Potencial Inundación Súbita para la región del martes a las 4 pm y hasta el jueves a las 4 pm y un Alerta de Vientos Fuertes del martes a las 7 pm al miércoles a las 10 am. Read full story
January 26, 2021 | Natural Resources
Russian River Inflatable Dam Deflation Planned
In anticipation of the first big storm of the winter, the SonomaCounty Water Agency (Sonoma Water) on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 will begin theprocess of deflating its rubber dam located in the Russian River nearForestville. Read full story
January 25, 2021 | Board of Supervisors Department
Applications to join Boards and Commissions are now open!
Becomeinvolved in local government by serving on local boards, commissions andcommittees. Read full story
January 25, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
Reminder to Residents: Be Prepared for Potential Winter Storm Hazards
The City of Santa Rosa and the County of Sonoma encourage residents living in and around wildfire burn areas to be prepared for potential threats, such as flash floods, rock falls, debris flows and mud flows. Read full story
January 25, 2021 | County Administrator's Office
SonomaCounty to be one of four counties in California to take part inpilot vaccination program with OptumServe
SonomaCounty to be one of four counties in California to take part inpilot vaccination program with OptumServe Read full story