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Office of Recovery and Resiliency

Recovery Progress

The Framework identifies the following critical strategic areas of Recovery, including:

  1. Community Preparedness
  2. Housing and Economy
  3. Safety Net Services
  4. Natural resources

Recovery and Resiliency's mission also includes working with fire survivors, the community, County departments, key groups and stakeholders and other local and regional governments to create a Framework that will guide and coordinate recovery and resiliency efforts throughout the County.

Recovery and Resiliency also is tasked with exhaustively pursuing and coordinating all available grant funding and other external sources of funding.

Community outreach and engagement is an essential part of recovery and resiliency. County staff has supported over 29 impacted neighborhoods by working closely with over 115 people who have volunteered to be Block Captains of their neighborhoods. Supervisorial aides, County staff and elected officials meet weekly with the block captains to assist and facilitate neighborhoods impacted by the fires with rebuilding efforts. 

Recovery & Resiliency Framework Implementation

On January 4th, Recovery and Resiliency presented the Annual Recovery Framework Implementation Report for 2019 to the Board of Supervisors. The report provides an update on progress made towards the Top 10 Recovery Priority Projects as well as Year 1 activities identified in the Framework. Year 1 activities are grouped by strategic areas of recovery: Community Preparedness and Infrastructure, Housing, Economy, Safety Net Services, and Natural Resources. The report concludes with an update on efforts to secure funding for Framework activities and projects.

2019 Annual Recovery Implementation Report

2019 Quarter 2 Framework Report: English | Spanish

2019 Quarter 1 Framework Report: English | Spanish

Community Partner Meeting with Recovery Ad Hoc Committee Notes

Disaster Preparedness Outreach Communications Plan

How is Sonoma County More Prepared Than Ever Before?

In October 2017, 173 square miles burned, 5,300 homes were destroyed, and 24 lives were lost in the Sonoma Complex Fires. Sonoma County staff and officials have worked tirelessly to recover and increase our capacity to respond to future fires and other disasters. We have made exceptional progress. We have improved local policies and committed tens of millions of dollars to become a stronger, more resilient community. 

Watch this video to learn how we are more prepared than ever before.

Read this quick one-page summary to learn more!
How Are We Prepared English (PDF: 535 kB)
How Are We Prepared Español (PDF: 508 kB)