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Climate Action and Resiliency

Climate Action and Resiliency

The County of Sonoma Greenhouse Gas Inventory

To continue progress toward reaching carbon neutrality and other sustainability goals, the County has completed a series of local government operations greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventories to understand its emissions profile and trends and inform future climate action efforts. These inventories were prepared in accordance with the Local Government Operations Protocol (LGOP), an established methodology that is regarded as the industry standard for government operations GHG inventories. These 2017, 2019 and 2021 County inventories use the U.S. Community Protocol and other standard protocols where the LGOP does not provide specific guidance. The inventories quantified emissions produced through local government operations that fall within the County’s operational control, including emissions generated by facilities and sources that the County owns, operates or has full authority over. GHG inventories were completed for the County’s operations in 2017, 2019 and 2021 to provide a trending analysis across several years, including through the COVID-19 pandemic, which impacted emissions-producing activities worldwide.