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Department of Emergency Management

Emergency Management Training

Opportunities for advanced education and training for emergency management professionals.

The Sonoma County Department of Emergency Management plans, facilitates, and coordinates assorted training opportunities throughout the year, which involve local, regional, state and federal partners. The objective is to facilitate integrated emergency planning and training amongst response partners. The Department works with a wide variety of partners to design and provide training opportunities for County staff, City staff, the private sector, non-profit organizations and other regional response partners. 

Emergency management training develops essential emergency management skills, reinforces Emergency Operations Center (EOC) responsibilities and introduces assorted technology advancements. The principles learned during training are reinforced during exercises organized and facilitated by the Emergency Management Department.

Please note: The information listed on this page is not for public consumption and is For Official Use Only (F.O.U.O.). This information is provided for internal use and to assist Sonoma County Operational Area response partners.

Training Information and Resources

Browse through the following sites to find internal and external training opportunities: 

Emergency Operations Center (EOC) personnel should at minimum complete the following courses:

  • IS 1
  • IS 100
  • IS 200
  • IS 700
  • IS 701
  • IS 702
  • IS 703
  • IS 704
  • IS 800