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Department of Emergency Management

Auxiliary Communications Service

Frequency Allocation During Disasters

County Wide

EOC Tactical: 146.730-

EOC Resource: 145.350- (Linked to Bodega Bay 146.670-)

Packet/WinLink: 144.910 / 223.660 / 145.730

Command: 224.820- (PL=103.5) / 223.760-


Central County: 145.350- 

Bodega Bay: 146.670- (Linked to Sonoma Mountain 145.350-) / 146.205- (PL=107.2) / 146.415

Coast: 147.825- (PL=103.5) /147.945- / 146.610- / 147.570 / 147.585

North County: 146.730-/ 146.460

Russian River: 145.190-/ 147.540 / 440.775+

Sonoma Valley: 146.205+/ 147.480 / 146.565

South County: 146.910- (Linked to So. Coast 145.170-) / 146.550 / 147.495 / 147.405

  • Tactical Nets Frequency assignments depend on availability and area served.
  • Frequencies followed by a "-" or "+" indicate repeater offsets, otherwise frequency is simplex.
  • PL is 88.5 (unless noted). 
  • If a repeater is down, use the output of the repeater in simplex mode.