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Human Resources Department

Recruitment & Classification

Classification & Compensation

Human Resources Recruitment & Classification 750

The Recruitment and Classification Division of Human Resources is responsible for the County’s Classification Plan and conducting classification studies, which could include specification revisions, position reviews, and the creation of new classifications. Recruitment and Classification is also responsible for the creation of a new classifications’ salary range.

  • The Civil Service Commission reviews and adopts all classification changes for classified positions. 
  • The Board of Supervisor’s adopts the establishment of new classifications, unclassified positions, and respective salaries.

Visit our website for a complete list of Job Classifications.

For information on the County´s classification plan, questions regarding County classifications or how to request a classification study, please contact the Recruitment and Classification Division at (707) 565-2331.

The Employee Labor Relations Division of Human Resources is responsible for contract negotiations, including the negotiation of current job classification salary scales and total compensation. For information on major market studies, union contracts and negotiations, please contact the Employee Relations Division at (707) 565-2331.

Requesting County/Union Business Release Time for Classification and Compensation Meet & Confer

Union Representatives requesting meet and confer release time for employee members must contact the Employee Labor Relations Division of Human Resources. The process to request release time is as follows:

  • The Union must notify the designated Employee Relations (ER) Contact of their request for Release Time and provide: the reason for the request, date/time of meeting(s), and name(s) of participating employees
  • Once the request is authorized, ER will send email confirmation to the employee(s) and the employees’ Union Representative
  • ER will keep record of Release Time hours