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Human Resources Department

Occupational Safety & Health Unit

Vector Borne Illness

Photo of Mosquito on Skin

Illness that results from an infection transmitted to humans and other animals by blood-feeding arthropods, such as, mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas, is referred to as Vector Borne. Examples of vector-borne illness include Dengue Fever, West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease, and Malaria.

Tick Testing is a procedure in which a Sonoma County employee can bring in a tick that they may have been exposed to while conducting county business and have it tested for the potential exposure of Lyme Disease. Additionally there are some general guidelines in reference to protecting oneself from exposure while working outdoors.

To get more information on the applicability of this program for a specific County operation please contact the corresponding departmental Safety Coordinator.

For further information on Vector Borne Illness please refer to the link(s) below.

Centers for Disease Control Mosquito Bite Prevention Guide

Centers for Disease Control Arthropod Bite Prevention Guide

Fed-OSHA Safety Information Bulletin on Lyme Disease

Fed-OSHA Hazard Bulletin on Lyme Disease

World Health Organization database