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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

Internet Responsibilities and Related Documents

County Administrator's Office

  1. Local Agency Department Heads/General Managers/designees are responsible for:
    1. Managing the department or Local Agency’s site(s) in a manner consistent with this Policy, including content monitoring;
    2. Granting authority to specific individuals to post content on the department or Local Agency’s Social Media site(s) and ensuring that posts are not made by unauthorized representatives;
    3. Maintaining a list of Social Media sites hosted by the department or Local Agency, active account logins and passwords;
    4. Changing passwords when an individual is removed as an administrator; and
    5. Ensuring that all authorized representatives read the Policy for Official Use of Social Media Sites and sign the acknowledgment form signifying that they agree to follow the Policy and all related standards and guidelines.
  2. The Information Services Provider for each Local Agency is responsible for the following duties with respect to that Local Agency:
    1. Identifying and approving all Social Media sites to be administered by the Local Agency, in accordance with departmental input;
    2. Developing, implementing, updating and administering standards, guidelines and procedures for all approved Social Media tools; and
    3. Review and approval of Public Comment Readiness Checklists.

    Except as follows, for the purposes of this policy, the term “Information Services Provider” shall mean and refer to the County of Sonoma Information Systems Department. For the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office “Information Services Provider” shall mean and refer to its Technical Services Bureau and, for the Sonoma County Water Agency, “Information Services Provider” shall mean and refer to its Computer Application and Instrumentation Support Section and the Agency management team.

  3. A Local Agency or department may develop a supplement to append to this Policy that includes policies or procedures unique to systems or services specific to that Local Agency or department, provided that such supplements shall not be less restrictive than this Policy. All such supplements must be reviewed by the relevant Information Services Provider for consistency with applicable technical policies and standards.

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