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5-3 Public Art Policy -Section II. Art Display Policy

County Administrator's Office

The County encourages exhibitions of painting, photography, sculpture, crafts, and more for civic, cultural, educational and recreational purposes. The County will strive to ensure that exhibit space is made available on an equitable basis to individuals or groups with respect to artworks that best meet the standards for acceptance as outlined within this policy.

  • All displays of original art (not including those produced or solicited by the County) must be reviewed and accepted by the Art Advisory Committee.
  • Final approval will be from the department head, general manager or executive director of the County department or agency normally responsible over the area in which the artwork will be displayed. 
  • County use of display areas takes precedence over any other use and the County reserves the right, without notice, to cancel the use of the display area by exhibits if the department head, general manager, or executive director determines that the display space is needed for County purposes.
  • County-produced or solicited displays (including children's art work) will have priority over displays proposed by non-County groups or individuals. In addition, preference is given to applicants who are employed by the County.
  • The County reserves the right to refuse display space to exhibits that, in its opinion, do not further the mission and philosophy stated above.
  • Artworks shall not contain obscene or pornographic material matter; advocate or suggest the use of tobacco products or illegal/prohibited substances; advocate for or against political candidates, political campaigns, ballot measures, or political parties or organizations; or advocate a position (directly or indirectly) on any public policy or social issue. Artworks shall not contain objectionable or controversial material such that the Artwork would be objectively offensive to members of the public or to County employees, or contrary to community standards, or would detract from the mission of the County.
  • Granting of permission to display materials does not imply endorsement of content, nor will the County accept responsibility for the accuracy of statements made in such materials.
  • The County assumes no responsibility for theft, loss, damage or destruction of items left for display.
  • All displays will meet existing State and Federal laws on obscenity, libel, defamation of character or invasion of privacy.
  • The name and contact information for the group or individual preparing the display must be a part of the display; contact information can include website address (website could be used to provide additional information on the  artwork and information on pricing)
  • All displays must adhere to established guidelines for mounting.
  • The County authorizes General Services Director to establish guidelines and procedures to facilitate the use of this policy including those for application for consideration, artist notification, mounting and display, and other necessary processes.