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Commission on Human Rights

Are You Passionate About Human Rights?

Applications Now Being Accepted for the Junior Commission on Human Rights

Published: March 01, 2018

The County of Sonoma Commission on Human Rights is seeking applicants for the Junior Commissioner Project for the 2018-2019 school year.

In 2008, the Commission on Human Rights began to develop the Junior Commission on Human Rights as a means to engage high school youth ages 14 to 18 in education and activism around human rights issues within Sonoma County, as well as an opportunity to foster leadership skills by educating their peers and creating ad hoc committees of their own design. Over the years, Junior Commissioners have encouraged other young students in the County to become active participants in their community, have engaged with elected officials and human rights organizations, and provided a vehicle by which County Supervisors are able to learn about current concerns and issues relating to youth and human rights in Sonoma County.

This year's Junior Commissioners have created community service projects around many of the county's most pressing human rights issues. Here is a sketch of what they are doing on behalf of our community:

Homelessness Ad hoc: In an effort to spread awareness around the issue of homelessness in our community, and to bring attention to the need for more housing, this committee is holding a public Youth Forum on Homelessness, and seeking to match volunteers with partner organizations that provide services to the homeless population.

Human Trafficking Ad hoc: This committee is working to bring facts, stories, and statistics about the human trafficking that exists in our own community into global studies and human interaction classes in area high schools. In an attempt to address the misconceptions of victims and perpetrators, the group will continue promotion and presentations of the documentary film “Strong Survival” to generate conversations about what human trafficking looks like, and to motivate other students to take action in ending this modern-day form of slavery.

Immigrants’ Rights Ad hoc: This committee is working to spread awareness on the rights of immigrants by partnering with the My American Dreams Foundation to assist with the production of short films detailing the experiences of Sonoma County DACA recipients or DREAMers.

Mental Health & Illness Ad hoc: This committee is working to identify perceptions around mental illness and areas of potential improvement in mental health services for high school students in schools by conducting an anonymous, online peer-to-peer survey of Sonoma County high schools.

Poverty & Food Insecurity Ad hoc: Realizing that 57.8% of households with children under 18 suffer from food insecurity, this committee has established a series of 24-hour Fights To End Food Insecurity In Sonoma County.  Participants are asked to abstain from eating for 24 hours to truly understand how it feels to struggle with food insecurity. To participate or contribute to the Redwood Empire Food Bank, please visit

Racial Equality in Sonoma County Ad hoc: With a goal of promoting awareness of the racial issues that exist in our community, this committee conducted an anonymous, online peer-to-peer survey of Sonoma County high school students to evaluate racial climate in their schools.  The committee will be presenting the data to school districts and school boards along with recommendations to improve school climate towards racial equality.  This committee also administrates the Facebook page Real Humans of Sonoma County, telling stories from our diverse community.

Youth Human Rights Ad hoc: This committee seeks to spread awareness and educate students on their rights so that they can better advocate for themselves with school administrators and educators.

Please support this project by referring young people who would benefit from this program, and by forwarding this information to faculty of students who might be interested in this project. 

The Commission is particularly interested in encouraging diversity and is actively seeking youth who could help us broaden participation in this project.

Junior Commissioner Project information and application is attached. Deadline for applications is March 31, 2018. For further information on the Junior Commission program, please contact Deputy Clerk Tracy Cunha at 707.565.2821 or For more information about the County of Sonoma Commission on Human Rights, please visit our website at or our Facebook page at CHR Facebook.