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Department of Human Services

For Immediate Release

Artist Eisen donates “Fall Vineyards, 2015” to Sonoma County Adult and Aging Division

Santa Rosa,CA | June 27, 2018

West County artist and community advocate Judith Eisen donated a painting inspired by Sonoma County’s landscape for the lobby of the Sonoma County Human Services Adult and Aging Division offices in Santa Rosa. “Fall Vineyards, 2015” is featured on the cover by the Sonoma County Area Agency on Aging (AAA) publication about the needs and characteristics of the local older adult population, The Art of Aging 2016-2020: Area Plan and Community Report. The large vibrant painting is oil on linen, sized 70” x 48.”

For 10 years, Eisen has served on the AAA Advisory Council, which allocates funds and makes recommendations about services for older adults to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. Eisen began painting at age six and has been creating, exhibiting and selling artwork since.

Along with her service on the AAA Advisory County, Eisen’s community leadership work includes helping found the non-profit West County Community Services (formerly River Switchboard) and River Child Care Services in the 1970s and serving on the board of both agencies. She has also served on the cross-agency Transportation Council as executive secretary. Currently, while continuing to paint, she works with local non-profit organizations on grant research and grant writing.

After moving to Sonoma County in 1973, Eisen taught physics at local private schools, holography workshops at Sonoma State University and art at schools in China. Eisen is also an expert in the area of holography (3-D photography), making the first moving hologram of scanning electron microscope information in 1980 for the Smithsonian. She was made a fellow of the Royal Microscopal Society, London, for her work. After retiring in 1993, she spent several years on an island near Thailand, painting, selling artwork and teaching yoga.
