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Department of Health Services

Environmental Health

Update September 6, 2019: Blue-green Algae Caution Signs Posted at Spring Lake in Santa Rosa

Published: September 06, 2019

This afternoon signs were posted at Spring Lake park in the City of Santa Rosa to warn the public of any blue-green algae (BGA) that may be present in the lake.  DHS Environmental Health, in conjunction with the Sonoma County Parks Department will be collecting samples to be tested today to determine if harmful algae blooms are present in Spring Lake. The North Coast Regional Water Quality Control will also be conducting visual inspections this weekend and process the samples taken today. 

Spring Lake is always posted as no swimming/no dogs allowed.  The cautionary signs will include the following additional information in English and Spanish:

  • Harmful algae may be present in these waters.  Children and pets are at the greatest risk.
  • Stay away from algae in the water
  • Keep children away from algae
  • Do not drink water
  • Do not let pets drink water
  • For fish caught, throw away guts and clean with bottled water before cooking
  • Rinse off thoroughly after having contact with the water

Additionally, the City of Santa Rosa has also closed Lake Ralphine in Howarth Park due to suspicion of BGA.  DHS Environmental Health and the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board are reaching out to the City of Santa Rosa Recreation and Parks Department to offer coordinated assistance with signage and sampling.