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For Immediate Release

Board approves wholesale water rates for aging infrastructure

SANTA ROSA, CA | April 19, 2023

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On April 18, the Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) Board of Directors approved a wholesale water rate increase to address aging infrastructure and maintenance needs. The rates vary slightly depending on the aqueduct, with charges to communities located on the Petaluma aqueduct slightly lower than customers located on the Santa Rosa and Sonoma aqueducts.

The new wholesale water rates may impact household budgets between $2 to $3 per month, depending on location and water usage. The increased rates will fund operations and maintenance projects, including cathodic protection (to prevent pipes from rusting), pump and valve replacements, water treatment improvements, and water storage tank maintenance and recoats.

The rates will also cover emergency response planning and training, reduce the impacts on endangered fish, and increase investments in hazard mitigation and other capital infrastructure projects.

“The rate increase is necessary to ensure reliable and efficient water delivery, reduce leaks, and prevent failures,” said Sonoma Water Director and Chair of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, Chris Coursey.  “This investment in our system will help fund critical upgrades to our drinking-water infrastructure, which will ensure that our customers continue to receive safe and reliable drinking water.”

"The maintenance of complex drinking water systems like ours is crucial to deliver clean, safe, and reliable water on demand 24/7. We support Sonoma Water's investment in aging infrastructure and commitment to paying for critical maintenance with the increase in wholesale water rates of less than one-tenth of a cent per gallon," said Mike Healy, Chair of the Water Advisory Committee and Petaluma City Councilmember.

The wholesale water rate increases for the aqueducts range from 9.42 percent to 10.56 percent. Under the new rates, Sonoma Water will charge local water providers approximately $0.004 per gallon. This is the lowest wholesale water rate in the San Francisco Bay Area. The new rates will take effect on July 1, 2023.


Sonoma Water provides water supply, flood protection and sanitation services for portions of Sonoma and Marin counties. Visit us on the Web at

Andrea Rodriguez
Communications Manager, Sonoma Water
(707) 331-2040
