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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Planning Group Division

Chanate News Update

Published: June 08, 2020

Hello Chanate Neighbor,

We are writing with an update on activities associated with the Chanate campus.

In our March 7 update (pre-COVID) we informed you that the affordable housing buyer, EAH, had withdrawn their offer. We also provided information that the County was considering the Chanate property and several other County owned properties as potential temporary homeless housing sites. The County’s response to COVID overtook these plans and at this time there is no immediate consideration of Chanate as a homeless housing site 

In April, in compliance with AB 1486, staff informed the State that our efforts to surplus the property to affordable housing providers had not succeeded. We recently received word from the State that the County could move forward with sale of the property to private parties. As such, on Tuesday June 9th, we will ask the Board to approve issuance of invitation to submit marketing proposals for a broker to help market the property for sale. We anticipate that we will have a broker under contract this summer and will move forward with the sale of the property to private parties this year.

Over the past several weeks you may have noticed preparations for vegetation management activities. On May 20th, the County began bringing in goats to help reduce the grasses and munch on invasive plants. We will also be removing some eucalyptus, bays and scotch broom in the areas around Cobblestone. We appreciate your patience as we perform this work.

County of Sonoma