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Board of Supervisors Department

Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council

For Immediate Release

Community input sought on governance solutions report at Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council meeting on February 8

SANTA ROSA, CA | February 06, 2024

Supervisor Lynda Hopkins and the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council will discuss the Governance Solutions Report at its February 8 meeting. The draft report was presented at a January 27 community workshop led by Blue Sky Consulting. The draft report and a workshop summary can be found at

The February 8 meeting will be held at Guerneville School’s Community Room, located at 14630 Armstrong Woods Road, Guerneville. The meeting will be available via live stream on Zoom, starting at 5:30 p.m., with Spanish interpretation available.

During the meeting, the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council will deliberate on the next steps and consider how the council will be involved in ongoing community initiatives related to governance solutions.

“Our role is to support, not dictate. We want to ensure everyone has an opportunity to provide feedback before the draft study is finalized,” said Supervisor Hopkins, whose district includes the area covered by the governance study. “We are here to assist in crafting the future of the Lower Russian River, listening and collaborating to ensure that the region's future is in the hands of its community members.”

The January 27 workshop drew a large crowd of community members, sparking a lively discussion on future directions. Community input ranged from city incorporation to seeking additional local control of funding while remaining unincorporated. Reflecting on the workshop’s outcome, one attendee noted that the study offered insights, not answers, yet showed optimism about progress made, adding “Now it's up to us to decide how to move forward.”

The report written by Blue Sky Consulting outlines various options and recommendations for community governance. The next steps will focus on how the community can mobilize to support these options, including enhancing Municipal Advisory Councils, forming a council of governments, or establishing a new government entity like a Community Services District or incorporated city.

The February 8 meeting agenda, including the Zoom link for remote participation, can be found on the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council webpage. Feedback will continue to be collected on the draft report until March 1 via email at

Media Contact:
Gilbert Martinez, Communications Specialist 
575 Administration Dr., Suite 104A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 565-3040
