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Human Resources Department

Employee & Volunteer Engagement & Recognition (EVER)

CASA – Court Appointed Special Advocate

Published: March 22, 2017

Speak up for a child! Become a CASA – Court Appointed Special Advocate.

A CASA is a trained volunteer child advocate appointed by a judge of the Juvenile Court to represent the best interests of abused and neglected children coming before the Juvenile court for protection and rehabilitation services. During the time the child remains in the Juvenile Court System, the CASA volunteer investigates the child's circumstances, provides factual information, and makes recommendations to the court while becoming a friend and support system in a child's case. CASAs are a powerful voice in a child's life.

CASAs work closely with the CASA program staff, social workers, therapists, attorneys, and other professionals to make certain the child's needs are met and to further the child's welfare. The ultimate goal is to ensure that authorities provide a safe, permanent, loving family for the child as quickly as possible.

Children deserve to be treated as individuals with a right to be heard. The CASA has the opportunity to enhance the decision-making process in Juvenile court through the development of a significant relationship with a child. A volunteer can bring a sense of individuality of each child into the courtroom by representing the child's unique needs and desires.

If you care and have about 10 hours a month to spend, being a CASA can be very gratifying work. Join one of our quarterly CASA volunteer trainings and become a Court Appointed Special Advocate.

To apply to become a Court Appointed Special Advocate go to CASA Volunteers.